nigella sativa a natural treatment for hiv

How to cure HIV? The black seeds, Nigella Sativa, have the answer!

Remember the words “This black seed is a cure for every disease except death”? How to cure HIV? Well,  black seeds can be your answer. Along with other herbal remedies.

Today, when we have invested so much money in discovering a cure for HIV, to say that it can be cured by some seeds sounds foolish. At least.

I mean, we heard of many cancers that were naturally cured, even spontaneously, but never about HIV disappearing from the body. On the other hand, we cannot hear them all. Yet, things happen, and due to the Internet, we are beginning to find out more and more.

Why choose natural remedies instead of scientific medicine in the year 2024?

Because not all the countries are the same. In some parts of the world, like China, Africa, India or South America, the traditional medicine practice is longstanding and strong, and their traditional healers are respected and trusted.

Besides, in not-very-rich countries, hospital services are unsatisfactory and the drugs are outdated. Access to the most recent medical devices and drugs is restricted; and when these are available, HIV patients are facing high costs, adverse effects, and not very satisfying results.

Most patients resort to alternative remedies to support conventional therapy. They do them both. And studies have shown that in Chicago and Ohio, USA, 67% of HIV patients use alternative remedies along with their conventional ART medications. In Thailand 54.7% in South Africa 53% and Nigeria 57.9%.

In a 2017 study conducted in Ethiopia, a total of 300 HIV/AIDS patients were interviewed and included in an analysis. Among them, 43.7% reported that they used  alternative remedies for the management of HIV/AIDS, and from them, half started taking them after initially taking ART medication.

The most frequently used herbal products for HIV, alongside ART regimens, were: Nigella sativa (22.92%), Moringa oleifera (20.83%), ginger, garlic and other herbs. And science approves: all these products are immunomodulator,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial agents. This bioactivity might benefit HIV/AIDS patients to boost the immunity, to scavenge free radicals, and to fight against opportunistic infections.

Study case on naturally cured HIV

In August 2013, the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine published Nigella sativa concoction induced sustained sero-reversion in HIV patient, by Onifade AA, Jewell AP, Adedeji WA, from the Immunology Unit, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

The article describes an HIV patient who experienced a complete recovery after undergoing treatment with a black seed extract, for a six-month period. No detectable HIV virus or antibodies against HIV in his blood serum, both during and long after the therapy ended. This never happened with the conventional therapy, HAART (highly active anti-retroviral therapy).

The patient presented to the herbal therapist with a history of chronic fever, diarrhea, weight loss and multiple papular pruritic lesions of 3 months duration. Examination revealed moderate weight loss, and the laboratory tests of ELISA (Genscreen) and western blot (new blot 1 & 2) confirmed sero-positivity to HIV infection with pre-treatment viral (HIV-RNA) load and CD4 count of 27,000 copies/ml and CD4 count of 250 cells/ mm(3) respectively.

The treatment applied was a Nigella sativa concoction 10 mls twice daily for 6 months. He was contacted daily to monitor side-effects and drug efficacy. Fever, diarrhea, and multiple pruritic lesions disappeared on 5th, 7th and 20th day.

The CD4 count decreased to 160 cells/ mm3 despite a significant reduction in viral load (≤1000 copies/ml) on the 30th day. Repeated EIA and Western blot tests on 187th day of Nigella sativa therapy were sero-negative. The post therapy CD4 count was 650 cells/ mm(3) with an undetectable viral (HIV-RNA) load.

Two years later, all the other HIV tests remained sero-negative, aviraemia and normal CD4 count. Without the black seeds therapy. The guy was really inspired not to go to a conventional hospital.

Have studies shown that nigella sativa can cure HIV?

• A study made in 2009 suggests that even after using such a powerful therapy as HAART, Nigella Sativa extract helps the body by restoring insulin production, which is deteriorated by HAART. Therapeutic effects of Nigella sativa on chronic HAART-induced hyperinsulinemia in rats, by Chandra S, Murthy SN, Mondal D, Agrawal KC, published in Apr 2009. Our findings demonstrated that chronic HAART may increase serum insulin levels by dysregulating both insulin production by beta cells and insulin action at the periphery. These deleterious effects may be prevented by dietary supplementation with BSO.

HIV-1 protease inhibitor induced oxidative stress in pancreatic beta-cells: protection with thymoquinone.

HIV-1 protease inhibitor induced oxidative stress suppresses glucose stimulated insulin release: protection with thymoquinone (TQ). Long-term exposure to HAART is associated with a metabolic syndrome manifesting cardiovascular dysfunction, lipodystrophy, and insulin resistance syndrome (IRS). Both TQ and black seed oil exposure increased glucose stimulated insulin secretion and ameliorated the suppressive effect of nelfinavir. TQ may be used as a potential therapeutic agent to normalize the dysregulated insulin production observed in HAART treated patients.

Why not use only conventional therapy?

• First, adverse side effects of the drug outstrip those associated with the HIV infection itself. Especially when the infection was treated ‘early,’ as the infection was discovered through routine blood tests, but the patient doesn’t present the specific symptoms and feels healthy.

• Drug therapy can produce selective pressure on the HIV virus to mutate and gain resistance. A stronger, devastating virus will then be born, while all the already taken drugs have done severe and even irreversible damage to the patient’s immune system.

YET, the death of the patient is NEVER associated with the therapy, but with the disease.

A high vitamin D3 level is important for curing HIV

vitamin D3 + K2 10000 IU
found on Amazon

Stay in the sun!
Seriously, the level of Vitamin D3 in our system is regulating T cells and Natural Killer cells. Vitamin D regulates the expression of over 900 genes. And black seeds powder alone cannot do the job if Vitamin D levels are below 30 ng/ml.
Patients reporting great improvements took black seeds powder AND 5,000 to 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day.

The study published by ScienceDaily, showed that for HIV-positive adults, CD4+T cells are critical because of their weakened immune systems. Ezeamama found that participants with sufficient levels of vitamin D recovered more of their immune function – on average 65 CD4+T cells more – than those with vitamin D deficiency. The benefit of vitamin D sufficiency seemed greater for younger and underweight HIV-positive adults.

The numerous cases reported thus far, have all revealed results different than the ones reported in the Nigerian cases., a site that I highly recommend, reviews lots of such cases and offers solutions based on experience. The owner of the site has also published a complete book – highly recommended, meant to answer all questions, a self-help guide on how to strengthen, balance and rebuild the immune system.


Immune Restoration Book helps you find out how to cure HIV naturally
found on Amazon

Immune Restoration Handbook, 3rd edition offers:

– 262 pages;
– last updated in April 2014;
– written by Conrad LeBeau and Ronald Peters MD, also conducting a forum and a site full of great info. (;
– addresses to patients and health care professionals as well;
– explains everything, from how the immune system works, diet, viral or fungal infections to cancer, HIV and other 60 conditions;
– offers both approaches: conventional drugs and alternative therapies;
– discusses real cases, analyses, compares results;
– offers tips collected from the experiences of thousands of patients, like
black seeds are more efficient in powder form than in oil form. A better source of black seeds oil has been located in Saudi Arabia. It is reported to have a dark oil and a more bitter taste than the oil coming from other countries.

More info here: Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!

Are there any other herbal remedies for HIV?

neem leavesThe good news is that we never give up and have a lot of faith in our nature. Lots of studies have been made on the good effects of other plants on HIV and cancer. Here are other plants with proven antiretroviral properties, as showed by the clinical studies. These are not simply folk claims.

NEEM leaves: An antimalarial extract from neem leaves is antiretroviral. The extract showed antiretroviral activity with a mechanism of action that may involve inhibition of cytoadhesion. The results may help in the development of novel antiretroviral and antimalarial drugs. (article published in May 2009).

•Neem and neem honey: unbelievable health benefits! Another panacea from India

fruit of bitter melonBITTER MELON: Anti-HIV and anti-tumor activities of recombinant MAP30 from bitter melon. MAP30 is an anti-HIV plant protein that was identified and purified to homogeneity from bitter melon (Momordica charantia). It is capable of acting against multiple stages of the viral life cycle, on acute infection as well as replication in chronically infected cells. In addition to antiviral action, MAP30 also possesses anti-tumor activity, topological inactivation of viral DNA, inhibition of viral integrase and cell-free ribosome-inactivation activities.

pieces of licoriceLICORICE roots: Effect of glycyrrhizin, an active component of licorice roots, on HIV replication in cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-seropositive patients. The results indicate that glycyrrhizin from the licorice roots has the potential to inhibit NSI-HIV (non-syncytium-inducing variant of HIV) replication in patient PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) cultures, by inducing the production of beta-chemokines.

FRUIT JUICES: Lymphocyte proliferation and apoptosis in HIV-seropositive and healthy subjects during long-term ingestion of fruit juices or a fruit-vegetable-concentrate rich in polyphenols and antioxidant vitamins. Even though apoptosis did not change in HIV(+) subjects, ingestion of polyphenol-rich fruit juices might be favorable to HIV(+) patients due to enhanced proliferation, which could restore disturbances in T-cell homeostasis. In healthy controls, increased lymphocyte proliferation during juice consumption was counterbalanced by increased apoptosis.

Monofloral Iranian honeys: Anti-HIV-1 activity of eight monofloral Iranian honey types. Monofloral Iranian honeys from eight floral sources were analyzed to determine their anti-HIV-1 activities as well as their effects on lymphocyte proliferation. The result demonstrated that methylglyoxal isolated from monofloral honey types is a good candidate for preclinical evaluation of anti-HIV-1 therapies.

The flowers? Petro selinum sativum, Nigella sativa, Citrus sinensis, Zataria multiflora, Citrus aurantium and Zizyphus mauritiana, Astragalus gummifer and Chamaemelum nobile.

The anti-HIV-1 agent in monofloral honeys from P. sativum, N. sativa, Z. multiflora and Z. mauritiana flowers was detected to be methylglyoxal, which seems to have a better effect on late stage of HIV-1 infection. With a very high content of methylglyoxal, Manuka honey is also a very good option.

LEMON juice and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus): Treatment of oral thrush in HIV/AIDS patients with lemon juice and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) and gentian violet. the use of lemon juice and lemon grass for the treatment of oral candidiasis in an HIV population was validated by the randomized controlled trial.

LACTOFERIN: Modulation of innate and adaptive immunity by lactoferrin in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected, antiretroviral therapy-naïve children. The results showed that lactoferrin supplementation results in immune modulation and could be useful in HIV infection.

guduchiGUDUCHI (Tinospora cordifolia): Immunomodulatory effect of Tinospora cordifolia extract in human immuno-deficiency virus positive patients. Tinospora cordifolia extract, a plant derived immunostimulant, significantly affected the symptoms of HIV. This was validated by clinical evaluation. However not all of the objective parameters studied by us, back this up. Tinospora cordifolia could be used as an adjunct to HIV/AIDS management.

CURCUMIN (the organic extract of turmeric with known anti-inflammatory properties). Treatment of HIV-associated diarrhea with curcumin. Curcumin therapy was associated with rapid and complete resolution of diarrhea, substantial weight gain, improvement in the reduction of bloating and abdominal pain.

WHEY PROTEIN: Evaluation of high-protein supplementation in weight-stable HIV-positive subjects with a history of weight loss: a randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial. A whey protein supplement did not increase weight or lean body mass in HIV-positive subjects who were eating adequately, but it did increase CD4 cell counts. The control supplement with rapidly assimilable carbohydrate substituted for protein increased cardiovascular disease risk factors. Careful dietary and weight history should be obtained before starting nutritional supplements in subjects with stable weight loss and good viral control.

African potato or HypoxisAFRICAN POTATO (Hypoxis): is a powerful African medicinal plant used in the treatment of HIV. Its well known as an immune enhancer containing sterols and sterolins which have been shown to be beneficial at enhancing an under-active immune system or decreasing an overactive system. Hypoxis stands out as the single most widely used natural treatment for HIV in Africa and its promoted by traditional healers across Southern Africa.

Some other healers promote different kind of combinations, but unfortunatelly their claims are not supported with any clinical study or trial. EG: A combination of natural products: Tualang Honey, Sky Fruit (Swietenia Macrophylla), Virgin Coconut Oil, Garlic, Black Seed Oil, Bitter Melon, Vitamin C.

Why are the black seeds that famous?

Archaeologists have discovered black seed oil in the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb, and although its exact role in Egyptian culture is unknown, it is known that items entombed with a pharaoh were carefully selected to assist him in the afterlife. And so we know today that these seeds have been used therapeutically for over 3,300 years.

black seeds oil is good to fight against HIV
found on Amazon

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) stated, “Hold on to the use of the black seed, for indeed it has a remedy for every disease except death.”

In the Bible it is identified as “curative black cumin. It was called “ketzah.” Ketzah was used for cooking and for a spice. Ketzah is a Hebrew word for Nigella sativa. Isaiah compares the reaping of black cumin with wheat. “For the black cumin is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is a cart wheel rolled over the cumin, but the black cumin is beaten out with a stick, and the cumin with a rod.” (Isaiah 28:25, 27 NKJV).

black seed are a cure for all diseases

Hippocrates in the 5th century B.C claimed that Nigella sativa was a valuable remedy in hepatic and digestive disorders.
Pliny the Elder, used the seeds in the first century extensively and wrote in his “Naturalis Historia” (Natural History) about Nigella sativa and referred to it as “Git”. Pliny used it as remedy for scorpion stings and snake bites, callosities, tumors, abscesses and skin rashes. Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, the seeds were also used for head injuries.

Greek physician Dioscorides used N. Sativa for a variety of ailments like: intestinal worms, headaches, toothaches and nasal congestion. The seeds were also used as a diuretic, to increase milk production and to promote menstruation in women.

Ayurveda uses Nigella sativa for its many qualities and bitter, warming stimulant nature. In tradition and typology of the 3 doshas, black cumin reduces veta and kapha and increases pitta. Black cumin was used for: anorexia, certain disorders of the nervous system, discharge and venereal disease.

Nigella sativa was used in the orient for stomach problems, diarrhea, flatulence, constipations, jaundice, dandruff, hair loss, skin care, congestion, dementia, infections, worms, menstrual problems and bronchial disorders.

In the 16th to 18th century, the German Medical Encyclopedias, Hieronymus Boch, “New Kreutterbuch 1539 and Jacobus Theodorus Tabernaemontanus, and “The new Complete Herbal Book,” all gave great respect to Nigella sativa. The oil was used traditionally as others did, but now it was being used on dogs, cats and horses. Seems like the scientific research has started.

Related articles:

• Black seeds and honey -a natural cure. Cancer is gone!

Nigella Sativa, the black seeds, can cure every disease. Come on…

• The golden honey. What is turmeric good for?

• Honey and ginger may prevent and treat cancer. Is there any evidence to confirm it?

• Honey is a natural treatment for cancer.


Pictures credit:

“Glycyrrhiza glabra (Pile of Spanish wood chips)”. Licensed under GFDL via Wikimedia Commons;
“Hypoxis angustifolia MS 3546” by Marco Schmidt [1] – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons;
“Bittermelonfruit” by User Gsd97jks on en.wikipedia – photo taken and uploaded by J.Stander.. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons ;
“Neem tree leaves” by Prabhupuducherry – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons;
“Tinospora cordifolia” by Original uploader was Tmd at th.wikipedia – Transferred from th.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:JaGa using CommonsHelper.. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


Laura Bujor

Laura Bujor is the author and founder of She built this website as a personal journey to discover the power of honey and share it with the world. She learned directly from beekeepers and took a course in apitherapy. In 2024 she became UMF™ Mānuka Honey Specialist, determined to teach the world the benefits of a good reliable medical grade honey. Her hobby turned into a professional career. You can find her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest and X.

View all posts by Laura Bujor →

266 thoughts on “How to cure HIV? The black seeds, Nigella Sativa, have the answer!

  1. I was not yet infected but both we are negative before we having sex but what happened if I take black seed powder before infected
    And both we negative to we get infected

    1. Black seed power + honey have definitely an effect for prevention, but we still don’t know to what extent. There are no scientific studies to tell us that.
      But it is good to have it in your system, to attack the virus if it dares to show! 🙂
      Be safe!

      1. Doctor I am starting vitamin d3 10000 because I couldn’t get good sun light because taking black seed only work for people who’s in Africa because they get good sun so that it’s essential to take vitamin d3 for 3 month because it help to black seed to cure since black seed has to vitamin d that’s why people are saying it’s not working on them

        1. Well, things are not that simple. Studies have shown that people in Africa also lack Vit D3, because even if the sun is bright all day, their dark skin prevents the UV radiation to synthesize Vit D3. The same thing happens with white people who get too tanned. And not all sunshine is good. Only until the sun reaches an angle of 45 degrees on the sky, in the morning and evenings.
          So, yes, supplementation is recommended to everyone. Especially these days, when Vit D3 is so important for preventing and having light forms of Covid.
          However, don’t forget that high doses of Vit D3 should be taken with magnesium (for a better absorption) and with Vit K2, to prevent arterial calcification.
          All the best!

      2. dear lora,
        I think you are completely right because all the reports get HIV negative since they all in Nigeria and Africa
        they got enough sunlight to take vitamin D3
        and also we should use black seed powder because It has no vitamin D3 to help I am only taking black seed and honey but now I am gonna take the vitamin d3 as well
        because it helps out to flash out the virus from the body and should need to drink enough water

      3. Well I think I saw on one article says it should not be heated because I have seen all the rezuch have used it without heat it but the thing is why people say it’s not working

      4. Lura
        Hi it’s push again
        I do not know how to say but I feel very good because use to I had a nail peeling with skin and alsoI am seen some good differences on my skin and dryness of skin is going I see good shin of my skin and also I had some mouth bleeding and dryness of lips is gone an I think my digestdigesting problems are turning good is this that good and I do not get cold can you tell me why I thin its working on me
        Reply please

        1. Well, if you see good results, just keep on doing what you were doing. Good job!

        1. Hi Emmanuel,
          I’m sorry I cannot help you here. I have no idea where you can buy it in Nigeria. Try phytoterapeutic shops, or plant medicine shops, whatever their names are over there. Or online, of course.

  2. Hi all,

    So I’ve been doing very extensive research on Black seed and HIV for over 4yrs now. Couple facts that you need to know is:

    1.) Do not use the oil only the seed works I don’t care what anyone else says OIL DOES NOT WORK!!, make sure you grind it. I take it with orange juice.

    2.) IF you have HIV, you NEED to get on a Vitamin D3. Go get tested and make sure you are above 60 (70-85) is what is recommended. Ask your doctor to test you yearly or use (if you are in the US ONLY)

    3.) Get on Selenium take 2 daily (Morning and Night)

    4.) Vitamin C is IMPORTANT!!! Take about 8000-10,000 daily. (Don’t worry you can’t die or overdose on Vitamin C.) Research for yourself if you don’t believe me.

    5.) Take Zinc as well (once a day) unless you are low. Ask for a Zinc test from your doctor. They will never test you for any of these unless you ask. Doctor’s don’t check these.

    HIV depletes all your vitamins n minerals from your body you need to make sure you are keeping everything balanced.

    I currently have HIV myself and I have significantly improved my CD4-T-Cells. I should have a huge improvements and possible be negative in a month or so. My doctor has been shocked.

    There is no reason for me to lie or make any of this up. Just trying to help others who suffer from this terrible disease.

    That’s all for now. Any questions let me know…

    All the best,


    1. Hi dear pirate thanks for sharing your knowledge im hiv postive since 2017 i did take black seed oil with honey twice a day also vitamin d but did not see any improvements?
      So did you do any strict diet with raw vegetables and fruits only ?
      As you said im going to change the oil to powder with monika honey thanks.

  3. Hi Laura, i have being using black seed with honey for the past 6 months, the problem is that i continuously suffer from stomach bloating and struggling to pass fierce my cd4 count is 22 at the moment.

    1. Hi Laura and Community

      I was diagnosed positive October 2019, I was prescribed trivens which I try and take daily at 22:00 before bed time I tested and my Viral load was 880 000c/ml after 3 months of being on the ART I went back to hospital for blood work:Results Viral load was down to 50c/ml and CD4 count was 170. I started conducting extensive research on the alternative medicines for to treat/cure my newly acquired condition, After reading throught the testimonies I was then inspired to put together a the following regimen,
      for 2 weeks:
      1 x black seed capsules twice a
      1 × teaspoon (Kiva Raw Manuka Honey, Certified UMF 20+ (MGO 850+) – New Zealand) day (Healths Harmony brand)
      1 x Vitamin D3 5000iu capsules twice a day (naturewise brand)
      1 x Olive leaf capsule twice a day (Healths Harmony brand)
      1 x trivens(ART)

      2 more weeks:
      3 × black seed capsules
      1 × teaspoon (Kiva Raw Manuka Honey, Certified UMF 20+ (MGO 850+) – New Zealand) 
      1 x Vitamin D3 5000iu capsules
      1 x Olive leaf capsules twice a day
      1× trivens(ART)

      Currently My grounded black seeds from amazing herbs was delivered:

      I have just started with:
      1 tablespoon black seeds (amazing herbs brand) mixed with 1 × teaspoon (Kiva Raw Manuka Honey, Certified UMF 20+ (MGO 850+) – New Zealand)
      1 x Vitamin D3 5000iu 2 times daily
      1 x Olive leaf 3 times a daily
      1 x neem leaf capsules 2 times a daily
      1 x naturewise probiotic daily.

      I have also been on a plant based diet a month, I drink 3.7L of water daily.

      I am due for bloods in March. I will keep you all updated.

      1. Hi Laura

        Bloods have been concluded and returned as below:

        CD4 = 370

        The Dr was shocked that my CD4 count almost doubled.

        I am pleased with the results and currently proceeding with my regime as stated above. I am just worried about the supplies as countries have initiated travel bans due to the mushroomed pandemic covid-19.

        1. This is wonderful Munga, good job! Covid-19 is a virus, like HIV, and nigella sativa could also be effective against it. But there are no studies yet, we can also assume. You must be very very cautious not to get infected as your body is too week to fight them both.
          Make sure you have enough seeds for 4 to 5 months for now on. There are exceptional times and we have no idea when is this madness going to end.
          All the best! Laura

      2. hi munga hows your blood work came please let me know dear im hiv postive since 2017 thanks

    1. Hi Moro,
      I don’t think a blender can grind it. A coffee grinder is the best (manual or electrical, it doesn’t matter), but you can use anything that turns the seeds into powder.
      Good luck!

        1. Hi In,
          By taking protein, you mean eat meat, eggs and diaries, not taking protein supplements. Case reports said that people with good results, reduced the intake of meat to minimum, not completely excluded. As for protein supplements, I suppose it is better not to take them, as they contain a more concentrated form of protein than that found in meat, eggs or diary. This is a general opinion of naturopaths, there are no clinical tries to attest this.

  4. I am on blackseed and honey recipes for HIV treatment and ARV since March 2018. But started using it religiously since Jan 2019. On the 8th feb, My medical officer told me that my CD4 is ok but my viral load is very high about 2000+. Please what can I use to reduce the VL. I noticed significant improvement in my health since I have been taken BS. But saddened with the information I heard. Please guide me

    1. Hi Kad,
      It’s hard to tell when we have so little info. What other supplements do you take? Have you also checked your vit D3 levels? Please see this page: Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!. As for the black seeds, you should have taken them religiously, like you said, but from the start. You cannot expect miracles after 1 month. Besides, you already said that you felt significant improvement in your health. So keep taking them correctly.
      All the best!

  5. I came across this site. Am glad a lot were cured with black seed and honey. I want to also start this remedy today and pray I test negative in no time. Please pray for me

    1. I will and best of luck…I am in the same boat. I am trying to cure myself with black seed and honey also but I am still taking the meds. Should I stop with the meds?

    2. Fortunately for me I tested negative on two occasions after 3months of being exposed. I was supposed to be infected because I was exposed to blood from an infected person in the hospital. I couldn’t do prophylaxis because there wasn’t anyone to do it for me as they have closed for the day. But I contacted the Nigerian doctor who cured an HIV patient with Blackseed and he was willing to help with the Blackseed concoction but he asked me to get a detailed testing. That was when I decided to test but fortunately I tested negative even after six months. That’s why I didn’t show up here in such a long time. Someone emailed me about how to use the Blackseed and it made me remember this site

  6. Hello I’m math,I’m in Cameroon how can I have black seed .which is more important the oil or the seeds mixed with raw honey,and for how long can one who has been infected of HIV for long take,I have infected people around me,which I strongly believe God will heal through black seed,thanks Laura

    1. Hello Nathalie. my name is Evelyne
      I am from Cameroon living in the US. I am about to buy the black seeds and send them to Cameroon. if you want, I can help if it’s already late .
      take care

      1. Make sure to take vitamin d3 because black seed has no vitamin d3 that’s why people say that it’s not cured only people who’s taking enough sunlight can cure the HIV

  7. Hi Laura..
    I’m back again.i posted sometimes last year that my little one arrived on March 29. Well we’ve done his last test and he is negative.

    1. Hi Somto,
      Wonderful, wonderful news! Thank you for sharing them with us. I hope the others will get inspired by your story and trust the black seeds to heal them, like they did to you. May your little one stay healthy forever! You too! 🙂

      1. hi laura jow are you and thanks for your help and do you know somoto what he takes exactly to become negative with black seed oil or powder any vitamins i been doing the black seed oil and vitamin d but nothing seems improving since i start taking and also during black seed oil do i take my ARVs any diet instructions please help as always you help giving your time for everybody answering tge questions i appreciate it for your help thank you so much

    2. hi somto first congratulations for your little one came negative so happy for you god is good second may i have your email please to contact you im having tge same problem what you use to have im struggling with my hiv what exactly to take and diet instructions please help thanks please please need your email thank you so much .

    3. Hi. Somto. Pls can you send me you email. I want to know the actual dose you took.

    4. Please, ma among the black seed powder and oil which one did you use or which is more active ?

    5. Hello Somto

      Cnoc I get your email address or WhatsApp number. I need black seeds for a relative. I think what you bought from Northern Nigeria is among the best.

    6. Hi, just read your message, can u pls share last year what you posted ? What you used ?

  8. Hello
    I have been consuming 6-7 black seeds daily in the morning from past 2 years.

    14 weeks back I had an exposure and i was consuming black seeds till 10th week post exposure then stopped as I was scared maybe the curing properties of black seed might delay the seroconversion of HIV – Window period. Anyhow i did my test at 14 weeks post exposure using 4th gen antibody & antigen test which was negative but I am scared and lot of anxiety is on me that maybe because of consuming Black Seeds the window period is extended. Do you think black seed can delay the window period of HIV as it suppresses the virus maybe. Kindly give your advise on it.

    1. Hi Latun,
      No, I don’t think black seeds can delay the window period. It is said that the window period for a 4th generation antigen/antibody test is 4 weeks. You took the test after 14 weeks. To be sure you can take other type of test.
      There is, of course, the possibility of actually being infected and the black seeds to have fought the virus from the beginning. But to be honest I doubt 7 seeds per day are that powerful! The amount that actually fights HIV is much higher. And not alone.
      Be more positive.
      Focusing on certain things brings energy to them. I know this is something that should be addressed very responsible, yet taking the tests should be enough to take your stress away.

      1. Hello Laura
        Thanks for reassuring reply. I was actually thinking the same that consuming 7-8 seeds wont really have any dramatic change. I will do another test in a while to control my anxiety. I have lost interest in everything and almost lost my girl friend because of anxiety issues. Hope it gets better. Thanks again for your kind reply. Highly appreciate.

      2. Hello Laura
        Im having the same problem.
        3 weeks post exposure i started to feel pain in armpits so started to to take nigella sativa+honey 3 tea spoons/daily for almost 3 months
        Now 6 months past from day 1 and i feel pain in all my lymphatic system
        Ive done weekly 4th gen and monthly pcr tests during this time all came negative but im weak and losing weight. What have i done and what should i do now?
        Physicians dont care about herbal therapies and just ignore them but still dont have an answer to my condition

        1. Hi Reza,
          It’s hard to answer this. It depends on your medication, on the other natural products that you take, on your other diseases and conditions of the body, on your diet and level of stress and so many other factors. All I can say is that toxins end up in the lymphatic system. It is possible to be overloaded with a high amount of dead viruses. For this, the best thing is a lymphatic massage. Or more easily, jumps. Do at least 50 jumps per day. You can use a trampoline for this (this is what I use at home) but you can do them without it. Trust me, they are really helping.
          And you can also talk to Somto, she took the black seeds but didn’t have this weakness and weight problem. She is a remarkable person and I think she’ll help you. I’ve send you her email address.
          All the best! Laura

    2. Hi Latun if indeed you still test negative then I am going to start using this remedy. Besides the Prophet (pbuh) recommended that we chew 7 black seeds for any kind of ailments. That’s why you tested negative because that’s actually the right dose. Please email me I want to be certain before starting this treatment. Thank you

  9. He laura
    How do i use black seed oil in the treatment of HIV….i have black seed seed oil but I don’t know how to use it

    1. Theresa, there are different protocols you can follow, it would have been better if you had a naturopath to guide you. Please read first Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!
      The dose is important, virtually there are no side effects, but if the dose is too high, watch for these symptoms: upset stomach, vomiting, or constipation.
      A recent protocol says that for HIV one should take 2 teaspoons of oil daily (or 5 teaspoons of seed powder). Taken 1/2 hour before meals with some raw honey, or in a fresh orange juice. But supplement it Vit D3, luffe (or olive leaf) capsules, or tea. See the other supplements listed in the article. And see how other people did in the page mentioned above.
      All the best!

  10. Please black seed oil and black seed capsule which one will work out best for curing Hiv

      1. Hi I am taking the oil religiously 2x a day but I am still taking my meds. Should I stop the meds ?

  11. Laura, am back again with another cure which is turmeric is also great cure for this illness and other chronic diseases. So I will glad if the the the they research and add it to the treatment. God will surely clear this illness. Stay blessed

  12. hi laura …i been using black seed oil since January 1 but i did not see any changes in fact i did mix black seed powder with black seed oil to make more stronger two table spoon a day and had blood work april my viral load came 1510 and cd4 524 with out taking hiv medicine i stop my hiv medicine January 21 just taking black seed oil and vitamin d 10000 and some vitamind and also coa fs from ghana and also did blood work again in june 10 my viral load came high from previous 22000 cd4 402 its very stressful…which is more working well black seed oil or the powder please advise me thanks.

      1. Please take powder with vitamin d3 because oil has no aunti killed agent just cheat on everywhere because when it come to oil it has no those killed affect please please everyone take seeds

  13. Hello, please have done some research and found out that bitter leaf and Neem leaves is also great concoction for the curing of HIV and other serious illness, so please you guys should try and add it to your treatment and God will surely flash out this illness. Stay blessed

    1. Thank you, Florence, for your input. I did mentioned neem leaves into the article, they are good indeed. All the best!

      1. Laura may Allah bless you for being so supportive. Though I have a question. If black seed and honey cured people of HIV, why won’t it be so prevalent that scientists will stop claiming HIV can’t be cured or has no cure?

        1. Hi Adams,
          Unfortunately the world is ruled by money, not by kindness – to answer your question. Besides, things are more complicated because it require time. Clinical trials are needed to support this cure and the patients need to be watched for the rest of their life, to be able to say that the virus was completely eradicated. Such a cure is hard to prove, it’s not like a simple cut. Doctors say that even if the tests are negative, the virus is not completely removed, it still is in the body and there are chances to grow its number again, at some point. This is why periodical prophylactic therapy with black seeds is recommended.
          The important thing is that after this black seeds therapy, the quality of life is well improved, conventional tests are negative and life can be enjoyed again.
          Yet, I have to stress the fact that black seeds do not act like an aspirin – stop the headache no matter what. The treatment involves a change in your life that you should be well aware of. Lifestyle, diet, natural remedies (not only black seeds, but also the other necessary supplements, Vit D, etc), exercise, spiritual approach to life (not regarding your connection to divinity but to all life forms around you. Understanding and accepting from your own person to everybody else.) and above all to understand the reason of that disease at this point in your life. Nothing happens at random.
          This is the main reason why black seeds cannot be sold in a pharmacy like a remedy for HIV. The outcome is not the same for everyone. It depends on how much that person is willing to change himself to facilitate the treatment. (this article may also help)
          All the best!

    1. Again am asking what can I use with the black seed powder in case I don’t get row honey

      1. Milly, use whatever kind of honey you can find. Or use it with simple lukewarm water. Just take the black seeds, heat them a little so they won’t burn your stomach, then grind them and then just mix it with any type of honey, or water. if you grind a larger quantity of black seeds, and don’t have honey to mix it with, then keep it in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator and take some out any time you have to take it, mix it with water and drink it.

    2. Am in kenya and wanted to start using the black seed powder, anyone who can help me to get my supply?

  14. Tausif are you cured completely after taking black seed oil for hiv please advise thanks

    1. Idk I’m cure or not but I m complete fill normal if test again I will post here

    2. tausif thanks for getting back to do you use black seed powder do you mix with honey or water please advise thanks beside black seed oil what else do you take? thanks

      1. Hi Mercy,
        The studies were made with black seeds and raw honey, but others reported good results after taking it with orange juice or simple water. I suppose lime juice is good, too. Though the combinations sounds really unpleasant to me…. 🙂

      2. Hi Laura am from Ghana and wants to know how to use the neem and bitter leaves in curring for HIV.

  15. hi laura …so tausif is completely cured from hiv after taking black seed oil please let me know im also taking black seed oil for hiv since January this year

    1. Hi Cindy,
      I’m not a specialist but I think the virus cannot be completely eradicated. Even if the tests show zero viral load. The black seeds should always be taken, in a prophylactic dose. But it is important to reach the values Tausif have reached, with a not detected viral load and a high CD4 count. This also means the quality of your life is at high parameters.

    2. I recently tested positive and after my research I want to start taking the black seed,what if I don’t get the uncooked honey how can I use the powder because I have already ordered for one,And again what is the dosage for the powder?Kindly advise

  16. Hi Laura I m back again with my cd4 report
    In March 2017: cd4 348
    In October 2017: cd4 1010
    In October 2017: vl not detected
    In April 2018: cd4 1411

    1. Tausif, this is wonderful news. I suppose in April 2018 your viral load was also undetected, right?
      Thank you for sharing this with us.

    2. Hi…tausif… i also take thw black seed oil and honey, i hope my condition aslike you… now i want to ask you, any diet for this teraphy ?

    3. Hope to try asap and get similar results. I would love to know if there is a diet that was used with this and the recipe for the concoction.

    4. Hello Tausif,I’ve been taking Black Seeds with Honey 1 Teaspoon in the Morning and 1 Teaspoon afternoon for 3 months but there’s no change yet instead i’m feeling more pains now.Help please

    5. Yeah I have been taking 3 teaspoons total of whole black seeds with a total of .5 tablespoon of honey. I split the total and take half in the morning and the other half at night. I’m seeing some pain still but not as bad. I’ve been taking for 5 days now. Not sure if it’s working. I have also been heating my seeds on super low. I’ve discovered that heating them removes some substance that proect the inside of your stomach. Does anyone else heat their seeds? I would love some in depth recipes. I’m pretty much piggy backing off of others but I would love some full details of how you do your seeds. And what other herbs/supplements you take with it. I will be purchasing a grinder to grind my whole black seeds. If anyone else grind their seeds do you still heat them? It was said to heat first then grind. And do you let them dry first and then grind?

  17. Which is better Neem or black Seed?Also I purchased black seed pills, Is the oil more effective? I’m hiv positive x’s 2 1/2 yrs with a cd4 in April 2018 of 969.

  18. Hi, Laura .

    I’m really impressed on how you educate and heal your viewers. God Richly bless you.

    For Black Seed (BS), it’s a very highly potent herb, apart from HIV it goes down well with patient suffering from Stroke and Parkinson Disease too.

    should in case one need pure BS oil or powder or any other herb, please contact

    God Bless you.

  19. Hi Laura my viral load is not detected and when i start treatment that time my cd4 348 on 19 March 2017 after 6month in Oct my cd4 jump to 1010 and now in March 2018 my cd4 report came as high reading they take my sample again for retest I’m on black seed since 12 month

    1. Hi Laura I m back again with my cd4 report
      In March 2017: cd4 348
      In October 2017: cd4 1010
      In October 2017: vl not detected
      In April 2018: cd4 1411

      I’m on black seed since March 2017

  20. Hi Laura I m back again but this time I want to know what is High reading cd4 means?

    Coz my cd4 report came as high reading they take my sample again

    1. I think it means that your cd4 count was too high. But how was the viral load? That’s more important to know. Usually a high cd4 count means a low viral load. How high was it anyway?
      For now it is a good idea to wait for the second result. Meanwhile, you can also read this article, just to have an idea.
      Please keep us updated.

  21. Hie laura

    Can i take blackseed powder and Honey while taking ARVs?coz my viral load is still going up though am taking drugs in a good way ..please help i grind blackseed into powder mix with water and honey..

  22. Me again. I bough a coffee grinder. I used it after grinding with warm water and raw honey. Am i not suppose to heat them? I not have a oven could i just boil the seeds and then grind them?

    1. The idea of heating the seeds first, before grinding, is to make a certain substance disappear. It is said that it can give a burning sensation in your stomach. The seeds are heated, not roasted, just heated till the powerful fragrance on the seeds disappears.
      Heating is the process that makes this substance disappear without making others disappear too, as it may happen during boiling.
      You don’t need an oven to heat them. You need a pan and a heating source: direct fire, electric stove or something like it. It takes only a few minutes at a very low heat.
      Anyway, if you don’t have problems with your stomach then skip this step. But pay attention to every symptom that may appear.
      And it is very good to take the powder with some warm water and raw honey.

      1. welli think heting weill kill some substance in the black seed thats why people say is not woeking

        1. Yes, heating the seeds kills the substances that harm the stomach. The others remains. It works if you are consistent and serious.

  23. Just a comment that i saw last week on tv. I thought national geographics that nigella sativa was stamped as fiction. After i read a lot of proof and research available. I dont understand they allowd to publish fake information.

  24. Is good black seed is helping in curing HIV but always remember God is the great healer.

    1. I’m taking blackseed powder ground by me, forever living honey but Im about to switch to raw manuka honey( really expensive) tho and bitter kola( my instict tells me to add bitter kola to the concoction) and just so I don’t spend so much cash on forever living honey product okay? Hope to hear from you..THANKS

      1. Yes Billy, I’m here.
        Adding bitter kola is a good thing, but Forever Living Honey is a processed honey and is not good. You need raw honey, preferably organic, but at least raw. If it’s processed more than half of its health benefits are destroyed. Manuka honey is expensive indeed, you don’t even need it. It’s an excellent antibacterial honey but that’s it. For mixing your black seeds powder you need any type of raw honey. Multifloral is more than ok.
        All the best!

    2. Thanks Laura for the response, but if I can’t get through to raw honey can i just use Water to mix the black seed, like that lady in one of the case studies said she took her black seed power with water and then just keep chewing my bitter kola alongside, i also take Vitamin D3 10,000 iu once daily and just so you know I’m on ARV( Truvada) Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz

    3. I want to mix my black seed powder with cold pressed coconut oil is this okay? I also ordered for olive leaf extract while i also take vitamin D3 10,000 iu

  25. hi laura im hiv postive i diagnosed last year may 31 2017 and hsv2 also and i heard about black seed oil cures hiv and hsv2 which is i start January 2/2018 hopefully it will cure me praying with god and im trying to get pregnant also i dont know how its going to effect me please advise thanks.

    1. Hi Cindy,
      It’s black seeds that cure, not necessary the oil. Some people say the powder was better than the oil. Anyway, start taking it and you’ll see the difference. Please read the other comments here at this article, or the other cases reported in the page:Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!
      Don’t forget that it doesn’t work along.
      And to these supplements add daily meditation.
      All the best!

    2. thanks laura for answers to my question what kind of supplement do you suggest from vitamin also any suggestions trying to get pregnant during black seed oil and ARVs medication thanks again for your time kindly.

      1. Cindy, I’m neither a doctor nor a naturopath, I cannot make such recommendations. Please read that page with the case reports and all the comments here and adjust them for your case.

  26. In Indonesia i use nigella sativa. But im not sure if its the real thing. Indonesia is a corrupt country. From amazon / ebay i cant even order it because in Indonesia its well known packages will be lost especially with things the local people can use.
    They said in the place i bought it thats its imported from Egypt and it is orange like. I have no idea how to test the realness of it.

      1. Hi Jason,
        I meant the seeds. The seeds are completely black, not orange. The oil can be dark orange. Anyway, you need a simple coffee grinder to turn the seeds into powder. It works very well.

  27. @ Tausif, thank God for your recovery. please where is ayaa a shifa in Quran or is it some prayer verses

    1. Aayay-e-shifa in Qur’an ask to mufti or aalim they will help u to find there is a more then 6 aayat in Qur’an

  28. Hi Laura I m back with my viral load report I am so happy my viral load is not detected,?

    1. OMG, Tausif, I’m so happy for you! This is really good news!
      Anyway, I don’t want to be negative here, but this doesn’t guarantee you that the virus is completely eradicated. You should continue a maintenance dose of all the natural stuff you have been taken so far. But other than that, I’m sure you are feeling life differently right now! 🙂
      Good job!

      1. Hi Laura…I also am undetectable with my virus but how do I know if its completely gone after trying to cure it for a year now?

  29. About a month ago, I got a large burn on my leg from a firepit. After three days of applying aloe and vitamin E, the burn remained open. I was introduced to black seed oil on day four. Thank goodness for that!! The black seed oil allowed my burn to finally heal over. Now, it has completely grown a new layer of healthy dermis. I’m incredibly satisfied with black seed oil and would recommend it to anyone suffering skin problems, contact Mr Harry on his email address today and get your black seed oil

  30. I just love the potent powers of the blessed back seed oil. Indeed, it cures everything apart from death. The prophet couldn’t have been more accurate

  31. Hi Laura I Post here on 19 March that my cd4 was 348 i used black seed and honey continuesly 6 month now my cd4 is 1010 my doctor has socked how can my cd4 jump like this this I m happy now ,,, my viral load reports will come on 15 Nov. I will post ….. What I followed in last six month..

    1. Black seed with pure honey
    2.never stop arv
    3. Root juice(some time)
    4. Pure orange juice (some time)
    5.ricite aayay-e- shifa
    6.cow milk (some time)

    1. Tausif, I am so happy for you. The viral load should be significantly lowered, I’m sure of this. But beyond the figures, the quality of your life must have also been improved a lot. And this is what counts.
      Thank you for updating us with your good news. 🙂

  32. Hello i am new to this site, i must say i am encouraged.
    1. how do i use the black seed to cure HIV?
    2. Can i take the black seed along side with my HAART medication?

  33. Hi, I need black seed powder and honey. I want to follow the therapy. How much does it cost and how will i get it.


  34. Dear laura

    Please let me know what to do when my foot and ear have burning sensation. After HIV diagnosed.

    And also I use to take black seed and honey.
    Please. Laura reply me.

    1. Dear Ash,
      Lots of other painful diseases come along HIV. You need to follow a therapy, at your choice. If it’s conventional, go talk to your medical doctor, if its natural then you need to talk to a natural therapist or at least come (by yourself) with a changed lifestyle, including diet, supplements, herbal remedies, physical exercises, sun exposure, meditation. It’s not only about black seeds and honey. They can help you a lot, indeed, but not alone.
      And after that, find other HIV people and talk to them. It helps.

    2. my suggestion is that you add colloidal silver water to least clear the pains. The silver water works well with black seeds too. At times you can find that is clearing where there was pain for you to feel it now that you using black seeds. Trust me treat this condition aggressively to achieve better results.

  35. Hi laura my vitamin d level is 23 should i take vitamin d capsule what should be good renge of vitamin d level??

    1. Hi Tausif,

      I suppose you are talking about the 25-hydroxyvitamin D test. It is measured as nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) and some experts recommend an optimum level between 20 and 40 ng/mL. Others recommend a level between 30 and 50 ng/mL.
      But HIV patients need more. There are naturopaths that say you need to be near the upper range, which is 100 ng/mL.

      As for how much to take, please talk to a doctor first. I cannot make recommendations. All I know is that if one takes D3 1000 UI daily, in 3 months one’s D3 level will raise will 10 ng/mL. In A winter month. If it’s summer and one gets exposed to sunshine, the levels will raise more.

      1. I’m sorry Tausif, I cannot answer your question. If you are not satisfied with your current doctor, try and get another opinion, from another doctor. Doctors are people too, and can get subjective, a second opinion is always welcome.

  36. Is it possible if I use black seed with honey 2times a day my wife will not infects? ??

    1. Hi Tausif,

      There is no such thing. She can take tons of black seeds. If you infect her she will get infected. Her body will fight better but she has still got the virus. Be careful.

  37. hello pls any one should pls reply me on how to mix this things i have got them now and can still link up anyone who needs to get the black seeds and its oil can also message me so that i can link you up but first someone should direct me

  38. Hi peace are you using the seed or oil. I am also pregnant that is why I’m asking. Awaiting your reply. Thanks

    1. Hi Laura please connect me with Elizabeth I’m South Africa.I wana know where did she get black seed oil or powder

    2. Hi Laura
      Sorry I’ve not been able to reply you. My little one came on 29th of March. I’ve been taking the black seed and honey after reading an article by Dr Onifade of a pregnant woman in Nigeria who started taking it at week 33 and her baby was negative. I got mine from the northern part of Nigeria(Islamic Chemist).

  39. Hi Laura
    My name is Somto from Nigeria.
    I am four months pregnant and last week I was diagnosed Hiv+. I want to use the black seed powder and home but I am scared for my baby. Is it safe? Please advice as soon as possible as I’ll be seeing my doctor next week. Thanks

    1. Hi Somto,

      It’s hard to tell and I don’t have the expertise to give medical advice. Due to lack of studies, most of the people do not recommend it in pregnancy. Some say it may dilate the cervix.
      But the seeds are very good when you are in labor: they easy the pain. (Boil the black seed with honey and drink.) After the birth they are also indicated. In Arabia it is believed that black seeds strengthen a mother after childbirth. 2 teaspoons of black seed oil daily increase the milk of a breastfeeding mother.

      Black seeds have a contraceptive effect. That’s for sure, it was even proved in studies made on rats.

      But there is another study that says black seeds are ok for pregnant mice. This is the study “Long-term effects of black seed and garlic oil on the offspring of two consecutive pregnancies in rats”. Its conclusion: “these two indigenous plant sources of herbal therapies (black seeds and garlic) may prove beneficial to the offspring if consumed by their mothers before and during pregnancies.” Read the study for yourself and see.

      Yet, people are not exactly mice. We cannot be sure until there are clinical studies on people. Personally I tend to believe the Arabs, based on their long experience in therapeutically using black seeds. Not for pregnancy.
      Yet, it’s your call.

    2. Hi my name is Quentin Bishop, and I tested positive for hiv, syphilis, and chlamydia. The nurse at Kaiser Permanente gave me a peninsillen shot in my butt cheek. I have to come back for two more. I need your help Laura. The doctors got me taking this medicine Genvoya. It doesn’t get rid of my hiv but makes it undetectable. I want to get rid of it forever so that i can be Hiv negative again.Will you please help me. What do you reccomend i should get and buy. I need the right stuff so that i can destroy this virus for good this time.I just don’t want to be taking these steroid pills the doctors have me on.If you have any questions this is my contact number 323-809-8835.

      1. Hi Quentin
        You have quite a collection of bad guys there! You can read here what other people use to take to fight HIV, and here Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!.
        I am not a therapist, I can only tell you what I’ve learned from the info I gathered and from other people’s experience.
        – colloidal silver to lower your viral load. Try it with 20 ppm, here are an example. But the dose should be higher.
        – black seeds powder. Take the seeds, heat them a little then and grind them yourself. Mix the powder with raw honey and take it 3 times per day.
        – olive leaf extract. See here an example.
        – take Vitamin D3 in large quantities
        – cut all sugars and do physical exercise.
        And try to find a naturopath.

      2. Dear lure
        I have text to this guy he said that hes not used black seed it I think some people are lying about this people are getting cured is it even in you tude there are lot of people are getting results and even I think this is very good
        I’m on it since I took it overdose I got constipation
        And then I reduce it into 1 teaspoon but doctors it’s been 5 week it’s almost 6 week now I did not see any systems of hiv is it been cured or is it fought off
        But i do not have asthma at all and then i donot have joint pain
        Can you tell Me why I did not take any artpills and not die any hiv test
        Plz reply

  40. Hi Laura it’s Elizabeth here I’ve tried contacting Lolo but she never got back to me but it’s OK. I’ve managed to get raw black seeds and black seeds oil too how do I take them?

    1. Elizabeth, please read the page Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!. From the comments below you can also get an idea on how to take them. Also check the forums, people are using black seeds for long now and are sharing their experiences.
      Unfortunately I cannot help you with more, I’m not a therapist and doses should be given only in accordance to your specific data, tests etc. But reading from the others and knowing yourself, you can get an idea of how to take them yourself.

  41. Hello there! My name is SUNKEE ANGEL and I WAS DIAGNOSED HIV POSITIVE HERE IN LOS ANGELES IN 2014 and I know that I’m CONNECTED TO MY INNER GOD!!! SOMETHING has been leading me to look into NATURAL HERBS TO HEAL!!! I’m gonna start on black seed oil cold pressed two times twice daily next month and I’m gonna continue taking vitamin d3! When I found out I was POSITIVE, my doctor also said that my VITAMIN D3 levels were low too so every since then, I already have been supplementing on vitamin d given to me by my doctor in the capsule form! I’m sooo glad I found this site! I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT SOMETHING INSIDE OF ME IS GUIDING ME TO TRY THIS BLACK SEED OIL!!! If there is ANYTHING ELSE you could recommend that I take daily to along with BLACK SEED, please reply and let me know! I believe that DOCTORS DONT WANT US TO HEAL, they only want to TREAT US SO IM LOOKING INTO OTHER THINGS! Screw putting a BAND AID OVER THE ILLNESSES, we gotta get to the CORE ROOT OF WHATS GOING ON!!! I also thought about trying MORINGA LEAF POWDER TOO!!! Something inside of me KNOWS that I CAN HEAL! It’s just a matter of getting my hands on this stuff and starting the process! I already have raw black seeds but I felt that it was making me feel kind of funny lol! But I’m gonna keep at it! I just want to say that I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THE WORK YOU DO! This page has BLESSED MY SPIRIT IN A STRANGE WAY!!! I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR REPLY! I believe I’m on the right track!!!

    1. Hi Sunkee,
      Your energy is definitely good! 🙂 Take Nigella sativa with trust, either as oil or as tablets. Please read all the other articles I wrote on them and you’ll find there other interesting facts. I know many people who reported very good results after taking black seeds. Remember that dose is very important, too. Get in touch with people like you, there are lots of forums where you can find HIV patients who are treating themselves with black seeds.

    2. Almighty Allah is great. He’ll help you. Try to follow the things he had followed. I’m also one of the victim but right now I cannot include all these as I’m 5months preg. Please read this recent article. Keep hope

      HIV lab results improve with a Do-It-Yourself Protocol
      Oct 17, 2016 Los Angeles, CA
      In a phone interview this evening with Keep Hope Alive, a caucasian male 37 y.o. discussed a combination protocol he derived from this website and the results he obtained thus far. For purposes of this report, he asked me to call him “Billy.” He was diagnosed with HIV late in June 2016. After doing extensive research on the internet, he put together the following 5 part protocol.
      First his stats from about –

      June 21, 2016
      CD4 count 677
      HIV viral load measured by PCR 2.4 million
      CD4/CD8 ratio 0.32
      His 5 part protocol was started around July 2nd 2016 and is as follows:

      1. 1 tablespoon of whole black seeds (nigella sativa) mixed with about 1/2 a tablespoon of raw honey. He divided this into 2 servings and chewed half in the morning and the other half in the evening. (He did not use powder or tablets. He did not use black seed oil).
      2. Vitamin D 3 – one capsule containing 10,000 i.u. once a day.
      3. Two Brazil Nuts for natural Selenium twice a day. (estimated total selenium at 400 mcg daily)
      4. Olive Leaf extract – one capsule of 750 mg twice a day.
      5. Jarrowdophilus – One capsule daily. Each capsule contains 25 billion active cultures and they included L Plantarum and L Rhamnosaus. (manufactured by Jarrow Formula)
      Results: July 27 tests : CD4 counts 877 (an increase of 200 in 3 weeks)
      PCR Viral load for HIV – 41,000 ( a decrease of 2,359,000)
      CD4/CD8 ratio – increased to .50 (from .32)
      Results of lab test for September 28th: CD4 counts increased to 1009
      PCR viral load for HIV decreased to 16,000
      CD4/CD8 ratio increased to .66
      Although his doctor tells him with each lab test that this is his floor and he needs to start on HIV drugs, he is sufficiently satisfied with the results thus far to continue with this protocol. He said that his diarrhea stopped a few days after he added the Jarrow Formulas probiotics. He says he will call me from time to time and report his results. He also get about 30 minutes each day of sunlight covering most of his body. His goal is to get a normal CD4/CD8 ratio (1.0 to 2.0 or higher) a number that is for the most part ignored by doctors and drug companies who don’t understand why it is reverses with HIV.

      Analysis: the only strictly antiviral product in his protocol is the Olive Leaf Extract that contains oleuropean. All the other parts of his protocol are immune modulators. The immune based components are the whole black seed (nigella sativa), the vitamin D and the sunshine, the Brazil nuts for selenium, and the probiotics L. Rhamnosus and L Plantarum. A study reported several years ago on this website found therapeutic value in using L Plantarum in children with HIV.

      Search this website here

    3. You please find this products in Amazon. And please pray for me too that my result comes negative before I deliver my baby. I’m just taking black seeds with honey plus 4000iu vitamin D and beet juice mixed with ginger, celery leaves, carrot, lemon and apple as I feel only these things are safe to me for now. You can start taking two 1tsp black seeds crushed in grinder (10ml) before meal twice a day along with these

      You can order load more things
      Try this

      I just stored it for ma later use and I hope almighty Allah will help me to recover it by then.

      Jarr-Dophilus EPS 25 Billion per capsule Jarrow Formulas 30 Caps



      Olive leaf extract 750mg

      For vitamin D 10000iu you can find in your native. Include all these and get well and get your result negative and pray for me and all people in the world who are suffering.

    4. Hi,
      I heard and read many spiritual books, it’s mention that doing urine therapy (drinking self urine) can cure any means any type of life treating dieseas, so plz search for this therapy which don’t have any single side effects it’s only going to provide u, dieseas free life believe me.

      1. Hi Rupal did this urine therapy worked for HIV patients? Someone told me to try it too though it kind of a crazy idea

  42. Hi Laura it’s Elizabeth again please connect Lolo with me as she’s in South Africa with me maybe she can help me and let me know where exactly she got hold of the product. Thank you

    1. I have sent Lolo’s email on your email. 🙂 I hope you two can help and learn from each other’s experiences.

      1. Hey laura can i get the protocol of curing hiv with black seed oil and honey what other supplements should one take?i had unprotected sex with a positive lady.we went for an hiv test of which her resuts were positive and i was negative,i was given truvada for 30days.on 31st day i went for a test which came back negative.which am waiting for 3months to test again n confirm my hiv status.i have been taking black seed oil,raw honey with oleaf oil 58days n still continuing till 3months.your assistance will be highly appreciated God bless you

        1. Hi Ahmed,
          Sorry to hear about your problem, I can only imagine how terrible it is to live with a hanging sword above your neck. Taking black seeds with honey is a good choice. Then, did you mean “olive leaf oil” – as, yes, olive leaf oil is a very good antiviral, there are lots of studies proving it, here is an example.
          On the other hand, protocols are different, according to each patient’s medical history and test results. A personalized protocol only a naturopath can offer. This site is only informational, a starting point for finding new possibilities and hopes.
          All the best!

      2. Draw lure
        I think it depens with people viral load because all the patient take differentresult with different te period because the dosage is very important if their viral load is too much they have to take more black seed powder and honey
        That’s why they say it’s not working because body ever one body mass is different
        They should take it constantly that goes with their viral load of their viral load is too high they should treat higher dose thankyou send me reply

        1. Yes, the results depend on the initial viral load, of course. It may take longer till one can see a good result. Consistency, a different life-style, other supplements, other diseases – all these should be considered. Regular tests should be done, and a good naturopath would be perfect.

  43. Hii i am from India and i am using black seeds from for month i am 25 years old before i was taking arv my cd 4 was 367 in june 2016 and i feel that arv was not working on my body , in june there was pain in my back , it was dificult to sleap in the night my pain was increasing day by day , than i realise deth is around me , i allways chek on google for cure , one day i hear about black seed , then i start to take black , for the 15- 20 days there was no change in my body, in the fear of deth i start yoga and meditation , after the 25 days of using black seeds i realise that my waight is gaining , my face was swelled , then i check my waight it was 70, before 25 days it was 63kg . now there is no pain in my body and i am so happy , and i hope my cd4 is increasing , becouse my body says to me i am fine ,

    1. Hi Raja,
      Do not give up on yoga and meditation. And take black seeds with all the trust. People have always reported feeling great after it. Tablets are very easy to take. Do you take other supplements? Like Vit D3? or Vit C?

    2. Thanks for reply , where can i get vit D3 in any medical store? , i am already taking arv also thats why i scare to take the medicine , can i stop the arv ? do you have any knolage about this , doctor says if i stop the arv the vires can be big , in december i am going for medical test , if my cd 4 lavel up to 650 then i sure going to stop the arv ???

      1. Hi Raja,
        Vit D3 can be found in any pharmacy (drugstore). Only search for higher UI. Please also read the other comments from here. In the right dose, black seeds and vit D3 can raise your cd4. Read through forums as well. Invest some time into this and you’ll learn from the others’ experiences.

    3. I too from india tamilnadu can u suggest how to take black seed for hiv positive i am 23 i too suffering from that

  44. Hi Laura it’s Elizabeth I’m hiv positive from South Africa where can I get black seeds and please send me exactly what you I need to buy. Please help me we really need it..

  45. I am a South African woman who have been diagonised in 2004 but been in denial by acting positive against the monster hiv. I took arvs twice for about 6 months each when I was towards giving birth to my beautiful angels. I research a lot and have taken everything to anything. I am so good with my diet such very careful of sugar things too. Like said I research a lot I have now discovered the black seeds of which I take out the powder from the capsules(3) equals to a teaspoon, 2 selenium, 2 tablespoon of colloidal silver. I will be doing this for the 4 months remaining. I have never felt good like now. This regimen works a lot better for me there are no side effects. What amazes me is the my bowel which seems to be so good too rather that constipation I use to have. Often I consume raw spinach which is blended before eating anything for a day. I am very positive even if the results says am positive I remain to maintain myself in such a manner I do. Diet to me matters most too and for anything I eat at my house must have moringa, parsley, garlic or ginger. I remain positive and stay motivated daily. I often stay away from negativity too so that I feel better. Before I forget I have also gained weight from 80kg now am about 102…will deal with the weight issues a bit later once after my January test and will keep you posted.

    1. Hi Lolo,
      That’s good. Nigella sativa, Sellenium and colloidal silver are all very good weapons against viruses. Not to mention your positive attitude! You can also take vitamin D3, it’s very important, your level should be near the maximum (which is 100 ng/ml at a 25(OH)D test).
      I supposed a naturalist has advised you into this new approach, so you can also talk to him about it.
      And you are right: the way you feel, the quality of your life is more important than what the tests are saying right now.

      Thank you for sharing your story with us.

    2. Hi Lolo have you done any test after using all these products? and how is the test saying? Any information will be highly accepted.

    1. Can someone please tell me how to mix black seed with honey because im HIV positive pls

      1. Hi,
        Please read this page: Black seed & honey – a natural cure. Cancer is gone! There are some protocols explained there, also a link to a specialized institution.
        Also, please visit and its forum. Send dr Conrad LeBeau, the admin of the site, a complete email with your story and he’ll be able to offer an advice. Also see Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!

        This is an informative site, I cannot give you any medical advice. But more info on what is available to us is always a step forward towards our healing.

  46. Pls Laura, I need a guide on how I can go abt d mixture. I got d black seed n it’s oil recently. As well as oil. How do I also get to increase my vitamin D intake?

  47. I am from Nigeria and I just bought the black seed as I am HIV positive. I am going to start tonight and take it for a year and let you know about the results. Thanks laura

    1. Hi Stella,
      It is a good idea. Please keep in touch with other people that are already on this treatment. There are forums where you can find other people like you and sharing the experiences and the results could help others and yourself.
      Good luck.

  48. Dear Lara I am taking black seed with honey from past 15 days but I am not seeing any improvement my tongue becomes white and I have no hungry

    Please suggest me

    1. What about your symptoms just tell us that’s also important it’s very important because I think you have high your dosages
      Just try Nd tell to us plzz

  49. I was using black seed from past 10 days but I am not seeing any improvement yet
    Can u please suggest me Lara

  50. Hai. Madam got evening. I read all the articles abot black seed medicine for cure HIV. But there is no announced about the medicine like black seed in India why, is it true cure HIV by black seed. Please answer my request. And how many days have to use black seed

    1. Black seeds are known to be helpful remedies especially in Arabia/Africa. There are lots of herbs and other natural supplements not known in other countries, and not recognized as alternative treatments. While the first studies happened in Nigeria some years ago, black seeds are still not enough researched to be considered a supplement especially made to cure HIV. At this moment there are very few therapists who recommend black seeds for HIV, there are yet not enough studies. Not to mention clinical trials. Whoever wants to try black seeds does that out of its own conviction, because of other people’s results or after reading the existing studies (mentioned in the article). And, of course, because there are not known side effects.

      As for the doses to be taken, and for how long, please see the page Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help! and go to the website indicated there. Here there are real people, real HIV cases, presenting their stories and their experiences with black seeds.
      If you want to give them a try, I suggest to first send them an email (the address is on that page) and ask for an advice.
      Good luck!

  51. I have one doubt that the black seed cure HIV only one article is there about Africa. So is there any other person who cure with the same combination

    1. Hi Sam,

      Researching on the same issue, I have found a website with a forum and a blog on this matter: HIV patients taking black seeds, encouraged by the success Nigerians had with them. It seems to be different with people not leaving in Africa, probably due less sun and thus lower Vitamin D levels. But first, read this page here, where I have gathered some cases from that website. The good thing is also that you can send them an email with your personal story and ask for advice. And of course, follow other people’s evolution.


  52. Dear Lara
    . How r u I have one doubt. That consuming of black seed with honey. Is it help full for HIV person and won’t it make blood pressure too low. And how we come to know. That we r recovering and how much to be taken thanks

    1. Hi Gill,

      If you don’t want to take capsules with the black seeds, you can powder the seeds and take them with honey. I haven’t found anywhere saying it would lower the blood pressure too much, but you can measure it frequently to be sure.
      As for the recommended doses, please see this page here, which talks about real cases of people who took black seeds. You can also send an email (the address is on that page) with your personal story, analyses and values and ask for an advice.
      I cannot give you any recommendation, as I’m not a therapist nor a doctor, but please read that page, it will clear things more.

  53. Laura I have read your artical and just to be sure black seeds do cure HIV not just treat it ? Correct ? Can you perchase this at the store or one with a pharmacy ?Does ot have to be ordered. Based off all that you know how much would you say to take a day for 6months with someone 185lbs ? This is 100% affective to those that take it and take to it . Correct ? If you could email me I have other questions. And have you heard or know any bad things about HIV patients that have done this and was taking stribld?

    1. Yes, by treating or curing I mean to be free of the HIV virus. This is what the cited articles are saying, not me, I’m not a scientist. Black seeds can be ordered from Amazon, and I have inserted the links in the article, just click on the pictures.
      As for other cases of people treating themselves with black seeds, please read the page Do black seeds really cure HIV? Some case reports may help!, where you can also find the recommended dosage, other supplements to be taken (like Vitamin D3) and links to a page about helping patients with HIV and their experience with black seeds. You can also send them an email (the address is inserted in the page) explain your personal case and ask for advice.

      I’m sure you can find the best solution for you. Laura

  54. Hello, of recent i and my girlfriend were diagnosed with HIV. We have since started ARVS. This is now for two months. Both of us have not had any symptoms and actually we were checked and our body organs are still good and functioning. My question is, if we take black seed oil, does it have an effect on the ARVS? Our worry is that a stop of taking ARVS may lead to a hike in the viral load yet not so sure how the black seed will achieve effects after stopping the ARVS. Please email me if possible. Thanks James

    1. Hi James,
      The scientific world does not yet offer any info regarding possible interactions between black seeds and conventional drugs for HIV. From other people, we know that the black seeds are safe and recommended with or without conventional meds. BTW, Have you checked your Vitamin D levels?
      Starting from your question I have updated this article and added some info about the necessary level of Vit D3. You’ll also find a book I recommend on how to treat ourselves.
      I have also written this page created especially for all the people here asking me how to take the black seeds.

      The page gathers some cases on HIV, gathered from a specialized site and forum. People have been using alternative therapies for a long time, and results are of both sides. You can also send the author an email, including everything from symptoms, test results, diet and therapy.
      I hope this can help you.

  55. Hi Laura,

    An interesting read this is! Pardon me, I may sound like a doubting Thomas, but I just want to get it right. The black seed cure was discovered from just one patient of out millions of HIV positive people around the globe? Going through the comments I read that one HIV positive person hasn’t had any exciting results. I feel that one example of the discovery is not enough a marketing strategy for someone like me who’s been to three countries at the hope of being cured.

    1. Hi Leo,

      From what I see there is no marketing strategy at all for the black seeds. Big Pharma is not interesting in healing people, but in maintaining them alive, able to keep buying their products.
      I present only few examples in my articles here, the ones that I am able to find. They could me more, but not yet made public. But just as well they can be only isolated happy cases. It is possible and being realistic is a good way of approaching things.

      The person who comments here says that after taking black seeds, the HIV results were still positive. I wish he would have also told us how he felt, if his physical condition improved or not, if he changed the doses or supplied with something else. On the other hand, while the virus is the same, our bodies are different. We react differently to the same products. One or one thousand good responses, will never guarantee our own good response.

      The already published studies would never say they vouch for a 100% success rate. It is impossible.
      Yet, it is a starting point. If these seeds were that good for somebody, they may be good for somebody else, too. With no side-effects (yet discovered) they say it is a natural product worth taking into consideration.

      Have you read this too: Nigella Sativa, the black seeds, can cure every disease. Come on… and Black seed & honey – a natural cure. Cancer is gone! They may clear things a little more.

      If I may one piece of advice: keep reading, keep searching and keep filtering the info you find. Then just listen to your instinct. It will know. Meanwhile, live and trust yourself. 🙂

      PS. Here are more of my thoughts on life’s logic.

      1. Hi…I am HIV positive and have been for a couple yrs (to my knowledge) I have been taking the prescribed meds for the same amount of time. I have listened to a man by the name of Dr.S who has cured people in Afica and has died (after being in jail for being a healer.I believe it was not an accidental death and he was taken out because of his known statis. Anyways I am in the process of curing myself but do not know how I will know if I am fully rid of the virus. My blood tests have been undetectable but how do I know if it is still in my system? I feel great.

        1. Hi Thom,
          From all your messages here, I’m not sure I understand you completely. You have HIV for a year, or a couple of years (?). You have taken the conventional medicine but also some other remedies recommended by that doctor. Then you gave up these remedies and had only conventional medicine. Then you started taking black seeds oil (since when?) and the overall results are negative. – this is my understanding.
          So, if the tests are negative and you feel great, this should be enough for you. No one can ever guarantee you 100% that you are completely free of the virus, the tests cannot be that accurate, but this is an incredible result for you.
          Has your medical doctor recommended to keep on taking the medicine for your entire life? Maybe he adjusted the dose, and put you on maintenance dose.
          Because my personal opinion is that you should include the black seeds in your diet for now on and maybe give up the conventional medicine, yet regularly retake the tests to check the viral load, CD4 count, Vit D level.
          Talk to you doc first, take a decision and forget about your condition. If you feel great, live great!

  56. Dear Laura,
    Please kindly save my live, I was diagnosed with HIV since 2007 and I was on ARV since on 2008, but I stopped last year, after I was advised to take Black Seed Oil 10 mls morning, 10 mls evening for six months and the Grinded Seeds with juice or milk morning and evening 10 mls also, but after six months I went for a test the result still remain positive. But up till now that is about 9 months now I am not taking my ARV but I am find but my problem the result is reading positive, they also advised me to grind the Black Seed and mix it with honey be taking 10 mls morning 10 mls which I now started for six months again please Laura advised let me be free from this bondage.
    I can be reached on:


    1. Hello Ahmad,

      First of all you need to know I am not a medical doctor, not an apitherapist, not a doctor of any kind. I only research about the benefits of honey on human body. Everything here is written under this perspective.
      From what you’re saying you took ARV for a long period of time, but this only let you survive and did not kill the virus. For the last 9 months you have stopped taking ARV and have taken Nigella Sativa as oil and grind seeds. Your concern is now that the tests are still positive. Have I understood correctly?
      My question here is: How are your symptoms? Do you feel better or worse?

      My first idea is to increase the quantity of black seeds and honey taken. And change your diet by adding more antiviral plants. I believe in the power of black seeds, but you need a correct quantity, to fit your body. In the article I said “Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) stated, “Hold on to the use of the black seed, for indeed it has a remedy for every disease except death.””

      Have you talked to an apitherapist about this remedy? The studies I cite were made in Nigeria, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to try and get in contact with the scientists who made them:
      Onifade AA, Jewell AP, Adedeji WA, from the Immunology unit, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
      Find an email, website, go there if necessary.

      Also, please take care of your soul. Do a self-analyses and clean yourself from inner conflicts, guilt and negative emotions. It requires a lot of effort but it’s what most counts. Focus on light and love and imagine yourself bathing in a white light that fills your entire body and vanishes everything bad in it. Feel the light, warm and pleasant and know you are loved by this light.
      Your mind is mostly important here. Your body will never cure, no mater what you do, if your subconscious doesn’t allow it first.

      This is all I can help you with. Do not lose faith and find one of these guys from the university.

    1. From the research I have quoted in the article seems that it does cure it. You need to find a naturopathic doctor that can give a full reliable treatment. Do not trust the multitude of stories coming from Asia, telling about the miracles some doctors can do.

    2. She ordered some but I don’t know if she tryed it yet so should I tell her not to try the black seeds until she talk’s to a doctor?

      1. Black seeds are absolutely amazing! There is no need to wait to talk to a doctor to take black seeds. After all, black seeds are used as a spicy in Asian cuisine since the beginning of times. I recommend black seeds with honey (This is how I take it for my digestive problems. First heat it, don’t roast, but until that specific smell goes away. Then grind it and mix it with raw honey. This is almost a panacea, it can be taken for everything.)
        So she should take black seeds before going to a doctor. And tell that to him. Then he will get into details: what’t the best form of having black seeds (maybe there are special products already made with it, maybe as injections, he’ll know better), in what quantity, in what combinations, for how long and so on. And how the entire diet and life-style should change. Heavy artillery is needed to fight this virus.
        But it can be taken before seeing the doctor. Do not waste time.

  57. Hi Laura, this is Faruq once again…. i nearly died of anxiety if not for your advice. after receiving your reply i experienced a total muscle wasting on my arms, buttocks and hands. I barely sleep at night… I asked my partner over and over to tell me her status and she kept saying she’s clean but the pimples on her face scares me. i even threatened her that i went for test and it was positive just to see her reaction but she said that’s not her business…. So today i finally convinced her and we went for test together.. they did ELISA and it both turned out negative….. I thank God for giving me such a second chance…… Thanks for your advice Laura, you’re doing a great job…. Wooooo-Hooooi.

    1. Hi Faruq,
      I am so happy for you!
      It is important now to learn from this experience. I suppose you will be extra-cautious in the future, which is understandable. But also please remember that fear and anxiety are two of the worst possible emotions, which can affect your body very badly. It is even possible to induce a disease in your body simply by believing that you have it. We should always be very careful with our thoughts.
      Don’t forget to be grateful. Look around. There are so many things we should be thankful for.
      You’re alive, young, have a partner, a roof above the head, food on the table and mostly, you can connect to your higher-self, which is not an ordinary thing. We take for granted everything around us and it’s a pity. Being aware of them, makes us grateful and happy.
      I’m happy for you. And grateful for letting me know you are ok.


  58. I had a low risk exposure and since then I started developing symptoms like fever (which I attributed to fear), some minor nail changes and chronic fatigue and muscle pain all under three weeks. So I concluded that I contracted the virus so I saw myself in my dreams putting garlic ginger, lemon, basil etc in the same container but I don’t know what for. when I woke up in the morning I bought those stuffs and started blending them together. This is Day 3 since I started taking the mixture and the symptoms are going one after the other…. the nails are getting back to shape and those scattered small dark brown spots are disappearing even as the pain behind my knees is no where to be found. I forgot to mention that I rub garlic on my nails everyday and I crush and inhale it, the fatigue has gone am back to work….. I begin to have faith in my method

    1. Faruq,
      Your higher-self is always watching you. Some people call it angel. But the name is not important. The great thing here is that he managed to communicate with you and that you were opened and able to hear it. Even more, took your form so you can trust him more. That is itself is amazing!
      There are powerful natural antiviral products on our planet, and most of them easily available to us. Continue with your mixture and observe yourself. Keep a diary, it helps.
      Also, do consider having a test done, and hear a MD opinion, maybe science has developed more than we expect.

      And yes, have faith. That angel, that higher-self, it is “you” trying to help you. It’s a form of “you” that knows more and loves you aprioristic, in an unconditional way, even if you were Hitler himself! Like a god that says there is no hell, only heaven!

      be healthy and be grateful.

    2. Salam Faruq, I am having the same problem which occurred at work place (hospital). Low risk but I am developing fever and muscle pain and am scared to death. Did get tested to know your status after the exposure? I will be glad if you reply me.

    1. I added 2 pictures with black seed oil bottles, in the article. Click on them and you’ll be directed to the Amazon, from where you can buy what you like.

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