About me

Hey everyone,

My name is Laura Bujor and I graduated from the University of Craiova, where I studied history and foreign languages. I am not telling you when, think of me as a forever-young person (no, not a vampire); I don’t want my age to influence your trust in me.

At the beginning of my work here, a prestigious website, The American Bee Journal, published one of my early articles on Apilarnil. It was the confirmation I needed that I’m on the right path. And I haven’t stopped since. I took several courses in apitherapy and continued my research on everything related to honey and the other products of the hive.

So here is my first experience with organic honey. It happened more than 13 years ago.

I used to eat regular honey in the morning, on a slice of bread, and take some propolislaura pills when my throat was in pain. But that’s it.

My son was 3 years old back then, an incredible, happy, healthy boy with only one little problem: poop! He wouldn’t poop! I had to note it down every time it happened, so I knew how many days had passed until I could be entitled to freak out.

And one blessed day, I came across a countryman selling all types of honey.
“Real honey!” he said.
Oh, come on, I thought, this is marketing! Honey is honey, and that’s it.

But before I said anything, he gave me a teaspoon of fir tree honey.

Oh My God…. What is this? Fir tree? But from what flowers? A fir tree doesn’t have flowers…

The countryman smiled and then gave me another teaspoon of honey, forest honey this time, which later on I’ve learned it’s actually from honeydew. Then I had another spoon, of something else.

I found out that my countryman was not a simple countryman, he was a beekeeper who had been selling organic, certified honey for several years.
I bought 3 jars and went home.

My child enjoyed it too; he had 2 slices of bread with honey that day, and the following days he kept asking for one. I gave him a slice of honey and bread every morning. And an unexpected miracle happened.

He pooped each and every single day. Just like that.

Prior to this, I used to give honey to my child, but not very much, because I know beekeepers treat the bees with antibiotics, and I didn’t want to feed my child small amounts of antibiotics and then create resistance to them. But my countryman said the honey was organic, no antibiotics of any kind, no pesticides, no pasteurization, and many other nos.  So, I let my child eat it with all confidence.

children can eat honeyNow, do tell me, how many days of desperation, how many glycerin suppositories, and how many tears I would have avoided, if I had only known sooner about organic honey and its benefits. (Here is the page I wrote on this subject: Honey cures constipation?)

This is the reason I decided to share my discoveries on raw organic honey, to tell you guys about the wonders of this natural product and how we can use it to be healthy and happy.

Our elders know a lot of secrets and I will do my best to discover and share them with you here. Our top scientists also keep discovering lots of things about this “miracle product” as they like to call it, and I will search all the available literature to keep you in touch with their latest discoveries.

I am neither a doctor nor a beekeeper, but the mysteries of honey are no longer mysteries to me. I have discovered the multitude of products taken from a hive, the benefits they bring to people, whether children or adults, their history, their secrets, and their incredible taste. It’s not all about treatment and therapy but also about enjoying one sweet, amazing food.

If you want to find out what the benefits of raw honey are, discover the elders’ secret recipes, find out the latest news and research, or if you ever need any feedback or support regarding your health and diet, I would be very happy to connect. Simply leave your comment below and make sure you visit my site regularly, as I am always updating it with interesting information.

Thank you for dropping by!


If you have raw honey to sell, or any other product of the hive, leave a comment here. If you want to buy raw honey or other products,  leave a message here. I’m sure you’ll eventually find a good offer from each other.