why beekeepers are healthy

Drinking water which was placed on a beehive has many heath benefits!

The water which is placed inside an apiary, above the hives or next to them, becomes a charged water, full of health benefits.

I have first seen this on a Czech site about beekeeping and apitherapy, where I had also read about the products made from dead bees. They were talking about the “biopole water” – referring to simple water which was placed on a hive.

Around a hive there is an electrostatic field of 60 cm and the water placed inside of it becomes charged. They say different kind of waves are met in the proximity of hives: electrostatic, electromagnetic, microwaves and infrared radiation. All of them offer a bio-resonance effect on human body and lead to an improved and balanced health.

Beekeepers are healthier and live longer lives not necessary because they eat more honey, propolis, pollen and royal jelly, but because they work in apiaries where the surrounding energy created by the bees triggers a self-healing of the body, just like in bio-resonance therapy.

Simply spending 2 days in that environment brings significant relief to the body, though an overall cleansing of the organism can last for months or years. That’s why sleeping above the hive was actually invented.

bee therapy house

Water that was placed inside the apiary, acquires healthy qualities and it is energetically imprinted with all the healthy properties of honey bees and their products (see Masaru Emoto discoveries).

It is said that regularly drinking this water (about 1 liter a day) will have a great beneficial effect to your body. It works positively on the course of youy metabolic and psychological illnesses. It can be frozen or left at room temperature, because it doesn’t spoil. You can even use it to make tea as short heating does not cancel its effects.

Health benefits of drinking water placed on a hive: helps with headaches and joints, leg ulcers, digestive problems and rheumatic pain. Yet, beekeepers do not recommend drinking this water by people with high blood pressure.

Bee-influenced wine will gain the taste and the parameters of wine from the higher price category. In addition, the healing effects of the wine which was placed above a hive are greater than that of water.

What does science say about this electric field around hives?

In 1895 it was discovered that feathers of birds and hairs of mammals store an electric charge created by friction with other materials, a phenomenon of surface charge in animals and humans. But recently it was also shown that insects’ cuticle also accumulates electric charge by friction.

The wax layer of their exocuticle causes a high electrical resistance between the inner and outer parts of the body, and along the body surface, and this leads to charge accumulation when insects walk or fly. The charge in the surface of the insects is a biological phenomenon reflecting their movements and the movements of their body parts.

Naturally occurring surface charge is thought to play a role in pollination, since flowers were found to be usually negatively charged, whereas the arriving insects appear to carry a positive surface charge.

Flying insects accumulate surface charges of more than 100 V and the electric fields emanating from the insect body may constitute biologically relevant signals.

Honey bees become electrostatically charged when flying or walking, or when their body parts are rubbed together.

Since wings and other body parts can also rub against each other during other body movements (e.g. during wing fanning); bees and insects in general may refresh their electric charge and emanate modulated electric fields when walking.

In 2013 a team of German researchers conducted by Uwe Greggers analyzed whether and how electric fields are produced and received in honey bees, and  measured the static and modulated electric fields of flying, landing and dancing bees, monitored the movement of the antennal flagellum and associated the activity of the mechanosensory neurons of Johnston’s organ (study)

They found that bees emanate modulated electric fields when moving their wings and body during the waggle dance. When bees walking stationary on a treadmill were stimulated with the modulation patterns of these electric fields in the absence of any mechanical stimulation they responded selectively and more strongly to the natural field patterns. Bees were also able to associate constant and modulated electric fields with reward. Ablation experiments show that mechanoreceptors of the antennae are most probably involved in sensing electric fields.

bees entering the hive

While flying:

The electric charge carried by bees arriving at the hive entrance was measured with an electrometer array consisting of eight electrodes. The electrodes picked up the electric field at a distance of 2–3 cm, both during the last 1–2 cm of flight and after landing.

Electric charge of bees arriving at the hive entrance results in a voltage of 0–450 V as measured by a calibrated electrometer array at a distance of 2–3 cm.

The body charge dissipates very little on landing (usually less than 5%) and stays high also within the hive because the relative humidity in the hive is usually lower than outside (U. Greggers 2009, 2010, personal observations: less than 60% even at greater than 90% outside).

While fanning the honey inside the hive:

Fanning behavior with additional dielectric charging as well as movement inside the hive leads to an overall accumulation of charge for all bees.

While performing the waggle dance:

bees create electric field while doing the danceDancing bees not only emit airborne signals (e.g. jet streams) by vibrating the thorax and the wings, but also electric fields.
The side-to-side movements were synchronized with buzzing of the wings, leading to an average of three to five (range 1–8) electric pulses. These pulses originated from the wing vibrations at 230 Hz (s.e.±5 Hz, n = 300) leading to a voltage of typically 200 V (s.e.±60 V, n = 300) as measured at a distance of 6–9 mm.

Results of the study:
· Dancing bees produce air flows and electric fields, both of which induce vibrations of the antennal flagellum. The electric fields produced by the movement of the bee’s wings even at very low amplitudes, as in dancing bees, induce movements of the antennal flagellum 10 times more strongly than the mechanical stimulus of the wing alone.

· Constant electric fields induce neural activity in Johnston’s organ (a mechanosensory chordotonal organ in their second antennal segment used by the bees to monitor vibrations of their antennal flagellum);

· Electric fields of different temporal structures evoke behavioural responses in resting bees;

· Stationary walking animals respond to biologically relevant electric field patterns;

· Bees learn to associate constant and modulated electric field with reward; electric fields induce responses in insects;

· Mechanoreceptors on the antennae are required for responses to the learned electric field stimulus.

The study did not measure the electric field around the whole hive, so there are no evidence whether this extends to 60 cm around or not. The logical conclusion is that this field does exist, even if with very low power.

This suggests that water kept inside the apiary, as close to a hive as possible (usually above it) can be electrically charged.




Pictures credit pixabay.com

Laura Bujor

Laura Bujor is the author and founder of HealthyWithHoney.com. She built this website as a personal journey to discover the power of honey and share it with the world. She learned directly from beekeepers and took a course in apitherapy. In 2024 she became UMF™ Mānuka Honey Specialist, determined to teach the world the benefits of a good reliable medical grade honey. Her hobby turned into a professional career. You can find her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest and X.

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2 thoughts on “Drinking water which was placed on a beehive has many heath benefits!

  1. I have to say that ‘bees’ do bite. I have been bitten by a wasp on the wrist just before I was stung and once by a yellow jacket. The yellow jacket was squashed before it could sting me. I saw the wasp bite and still have the scar from bote. It took wuite a large chunk of flesh.

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