We all know there is no real cure for the common cold. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are more than 200 different viruses, that can lead to colds. And because we are dealing with viruses, antibiotics are ineffective.
Absolutely all the medication we take for colds, is meant to combat the symptoms and not the cause.
Most people heal themselves without medication within 10 days.
Even if allopathic medicine does not accept their efficiency, natural remedies have proven themselves to be very efficient. They help our bodies recover easier and more quickly, some people say they got cured in a few hours, others in one, two or three days only. However, if the symptoms intensify and the fever is high, ask for a medical opinion. Allopathic ER medicine is very efficient, it literally saves lives.
Healing depends on each body’s immunity and condition, lifestyle, age and beliefs. Here are some easy-to-make homemade remedies I have found, that people vouch for their efficiency.
4 home remedies for colds using honey
1. Lemon + garlic + honey (LGH)
The recipe includes those three ingredients, preferably with fresh garlic (this is very important, because aged garlic loses its allicin, which is the most important substance in it), also giving the garlic its specific smell. So the more smelling, the better. The lemons can be from the supermarket, as we use only the juice, and the pests remain on its peel. Honey has to be raw, organic if possible. If not, at least raw, unfiltered. Here is the recipe:
One of our readers shared with us his way of immunizing and treating colds within his family. He used LGH and managed to keep his children away from vaccines and antibiotics. Here is his testimony: Lemon-Garlic-Honey for colds and immunity. Thank you Phil, for your contribution.
Be careful!
⢠Garlic has some contraindications. See the page about garlic and be sure you don’t find yourself in one of those situations.
⢠After a few doses, some people may experience symptoms like nausea, headaches, and mucous drainage. It is a natural phenomenon, as toxins are dislodged and the body is eliminating them. It is called the Herxhmeier effect. Like in a major fast cleaning. Still, if it gets too uncomfortable, take a break from the mixture, and then restart with a smaller quantity and see how you feel.
2. Honey + cinnamon
We refer here to raw honey and Ceylon cinnamon. This remedy was published in Weekly World News, some time ago. Here is the recipe:Â
3. Honey and whisky
People have always found a diversity of remedies, tried them and spread the word. Some of them are quite intriguing and can be prescribed only for adults. For example, this remedy: “Mix up 1 teaspoon of honey with a half mug of hot water and add a measure of whisky.
Take it at night before you go to bed.” Don’ t take too much of it, because too much alcohol inflames the membranes and is counterproductive.
And of course, taking this alcoholic remedy, we should not take antibiotics or other medicines that prohibit the combination. Whisky is supposed to burn the virus (or get it drunk?).
4. Honey, lemon and vinegar
The combination doesn’t claim to kill the virus, but combat the symptoms associated with it, like congestion and sore throats.Â
Home remedies for cough
homemade cough syrup
For the cough, we can make a syrup, using honey, vinegar and ginger, also known as a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral:
– 2 tbsp. of hot water,
– 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar,
– 1 tbsp. of honey,
– 1/4 tsp. of ground cayenne pepper
– 1/4 tsp. of ground ginger.
Mix them all and take 1 tsp. every couple of hours.
Adults can also use the famous remedy made of coffee and honey to relieve cough.

Another product that is considered to help a lot with common colds is propolis. Â We can find it in the form of fresh resin, tincture or tablets. Probably the most effective would be to chew the fresh resin, but the taste is not that good and it coats your teeth.
Not to mention how difficult it is to find fresh raw propolis. Tincture is very good, and tablets are good, too. You can find some here:Â Vitamin World Bee Propolis, 100 Capsules
On the market, there are also drops for the sour throat. The tincture can be used in inhalations, or on honey (or even on a piece of bread, but not in water).
¡ Tincture drops: 20 drops of 20 % propolis mixed in honey, 3 times a day. This means almost 200 mg of propolis per day, which is a good dose, considering the maximum allowed of 1400 mg.
Half the dose for children.
¡ Tablets: 1 tablet, containing 50 mg propolis, 4-6 times daily. Half the dose for children.
Be careful with propolis. Don’t take more than 1400 mg per day for a 70 kg body, though I can’t imagine why would anybody take that much. After that dose, there is a risk of toxicology.
If the cold is associated with fever, and you may also notice the following symptoms: slight shivering, headache, body ache, excessive thirst, exhaustion, reduced flow of urine, concentrated urine, increase in heart rate, rapid breathing, excessive sweating.
These 3 remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.
Yet, all herbal remedies are hard to standardize, like it is done with synthetic drugs. There are so many different kinds of honey, which may depend on the geographical region, weather in that year, pollution, etc and the same applies for all other herbs. And even more, the health conditions of the people are so diverse, that each one of us will react differently. Don’t expect the same reaction in two different bodies.
Other things to do when having a cold
Rest a lot. By not forcing your body to do other things, you allow him to concentrate only on fighting the infection and nothing else. Plus that during sleep, our body connects to the universe’s energy and recharges itself.
Put an extra pillow. Either you can raise your mattress by placing a blanket under it, or simply put an extra pillow so that your head and chest make a slope of 30% with the horizontal. You can put some bricks or thick books under the legs at the head of the bed. This helps drain the mucus.
Ensure the humidity in the room. Either use a humidifier, or place some warm, wet towels around you. This prevents the membranes from inflaming.
Drink a lot of water and tea. Keeping your body well hydrated is very important.
Blow your nose. And do it correctly. Press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other. Don’t blow too hard, otherwise, you risk inflaming your ears as well.
Put some warm face packs on your face. Actually, they should be placed around the congested sinuses. There are face packs in pharmacies, or you can use some heated salt (cooking salt). Put a teacup of salt in a pan, heat it on the oven, then wrap it in a towel. Or simply heat a towel in the microwave for 20-30 sec.
Use essential oils. Put them in an oil burner. They are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and a lot of other anti-s. And they do wonders. You can use: thyme, cinnamon, basil, pine, fir, eucalyptus.
Or place a piece of cloth with some mentholated salve under your nose to help open your breathing passages and restore the irritated skin at the base of your nose. Menthol, eucalyptus and camphor all have mild numbing ingredients that may help to relieve the pain of a nose rubbed raw.
Gargle. You can gargle with salty water, baking soda and water, or with a mixture of honey, lemon juice, and hot water.
Inhale steams. Let your shower run in the bathroom, make a lot of steam, and just stay there till you can breathe through your nose.
Eat less, drink more. Get more raw vegan, because the vegetables contain a lot of alive energy in them, and you need that a lot.
Find balance in your thoughts and feelings. Vanquish any kind of inner conflict that you may have. Forget about feeling sorry, doubtful, or angry at yourself. Watch a good comedy and have as many laughs as possible.
If you know of any other remedy that worked for you, especially if it includes honey, please leave a comment here, and I will be glad to insert it on this website, so anybody can benefit from it. Thank you.
On Amazon, I have found a very good combination that can be taken during the winter to prevent any colds or flu. I do recommend it:Â Stakich ROYAL JELLY BEE POLLEN PROPOLIS Enriched RAW HONEY 40-OZ – 100% Pure, Unprocessed, Unheated.

Related posts:
The best natural remedies for colds â part 1
The best natural remedies for colds â part 2
The best natural remedies for colds â part 3
The best natural remedies for colds â part 4
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Does honey help cough
Lemon garlic honey for colds and immunity
Stefan Bogdanov, Bee Product science, www.bee-hexagon.net;
honey jar picture credit Eskymaks via Big Stock Photo;
garlic picture credit SOMMAI, via freedigitalphotos.net;
cinnamon picture credit  Mister GC, via freedigitalphotos.net