A team of scientists conducted by Bouchentouf Salim and Missoum Noureddine from the Faculty of Technology, Doctor Tahar Moulay University of Saida, and the Laboratory of Natural products and Bioactives, University of Tlemcen, Algeria, analyzed probable inhibitors of COVID-19 by molecules from Nigella sativa L.
Nigella sativa, aka the black seeds, is a highly reputed healing herb in North African societies and both Islamic and Christian. Its incredible therapeutic properties include antiviral and anticancer. And when we talk about antiviral, we refer to the worst of them: HIV. Because this tiny seed has a history of destroying it. Yes, Nigella sativa, the black seeds, can kill HIV.
We are still struggling with this pandemic. Some say there are chemical drugs that treat and prevent, such as the antiparasitic drugs Hidroxiclorochine and Ivermectine, others say there are natural supplements that can treat and prevent, such as the herbal tonic from Madagascar for example. But most say that a good healthy body has no problem with this disease. Healthy individuals should only take a herbal supplement for prevention, along with Vit C, D3, magnesium and zinc.
And according to the country you live in, the treatment differs, the prevention differs, and the death toll differs. One thing is common, though, the fear. And there is nothing more toxic, more destructive for our immune system that fear.
Nigella sativa is long known to fight viruses. Starting from this scientifically proven, yet not approved fact, a team of scientists from Algeria analyzed if there were components in it that could fight Covid. The in silico study was done using Molecular Operating Environment software (MOE). The results were compared to those coming from proposed drugs such as chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, arbidol, remdesivir, and favipiravir.
Obtained results showed that Nigellidine gives the lowest energy (-6.29734373 Kcal/mol) in complex with 6LU7, which is the best score when compared to other docked compounds. Nigellidine gives a score close to the one given by chloroquine (-6.2930522 Kcal/mol) and a better score than hydroxychloroquine (-5.57386112 Kcal/mol) and favipiravir (-4.23310471 kcal/mol).
Docking results with 2GTB show that α- Hederin gives better score (-6.50204802 kcal/mol) than chloroquine (-6.20844936 kcal/mol), hydroxychloroquine (-5.51465893 kcal/mol)) and favipiravir (-4.12183571kcal/mol). Alpha-hedrin in complex with 2GTB (figure 4A and 4B) show that only one hydrogen interaction (H-acceptor) with amino acid Gly 143 is possible with distance about 2.92 Å and energy of -2.2 Kcal/mol.
Obtained results by molecular docking showed that Nigellidine and α- hederin are main compounds from Nigella sativa that may inhibit COVID-19 giving the same or better energy score compared to drugs under clinical tests. Those results encourage further in vitro and in vivo investigations and also encourage traditional use of Nigella sativa, preventatively.
Bottom line, yes, nigella sativa may help prevent the infection with Sars-Cov-2. Take it the way it is also indicated for HIV, with honey.
For better results, use the powder and not the oil. Slowly heat the seeds in a frying pan, till the pungent odor fades away, and grind them. Mix them with honey 1:1 and take a teaspoon one or 2 times per day. Also, don’t forget to take vitamin C, Vitamin D3 +K2 and magnesium. Best prevention! Oh, and also very important, stop the fear. Trust your God with whatever the outcome.

Also see:
Nigella Sativa may protect against COVID-19, but it has nothing to do with chloroquine!
Nigella Sativa, the black seeds, can cure every disease. Come on…
Picture credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/de/Nigella_sativa_seeds.jpg/2048px-Nigella_sativa_seeds.jpg?uselang=en-gb