which are the benefits of brazilian green propolis

Brazilian Green Propolis health benefits

Brazilian green propolis is a specific type of propolis that contains Baccharis dracunculifolia resin as its main source. Brazilian Green Propolis health benefits mainly underline those of the plant, in addition to the ones we commonly find in any other propolis, no matter the botanical source.

Propolis is composed mainly of the plant resins and exudates that bees gather. Bees add wax, some secretions, and pollen to it. The composition of propolis depends on its botanical and geographical origin, even weather and hive.

The plants that are harvested by bees are so different that the composition of propolis will never be the same. So, besides the usual dark brown propolis, propolis can also be green, red, black, and with white hues.

And it is quite astonishing that while the composition of the different types of propolis differs greatly depending on their botanical origin, their biological effects are very similar.

Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae) is the main botanical source used by honeybees to produce Brazilian green propolis. Baccharis dracunculifolia is a medical plant found in Brazil. It is mainly used for its antiulcer and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why green propolis also treats ulcers and inflammatory diseases.

baccharis drancunculifolia from Brazil

The overall content of this propolis type is similar to that of poplar propolis, basically containing balsamic and non-balsamic components. It contains a main part of plant derived substances and minor parts of bee and pollen derived substances. The chemical composition is, however, very different.

The balsam part of poplar propolis originates from the collected glue, while the non-balsamic constituents are added by the bees.  The typical components of poplar propolis are the phenolics: flavonoid aglycones (flavones and flavanones), phenolic acids, and their esters. The typical compounds of Brazilian propolis are prenylated derivatives of p-coumaric acid and of acetophenone, as well as diterpenes and lignans. The flavonoids are different from those in ‘poplar type’ propolis.

In December 2014, the Society of Chemical Industry published the Composition of the volatile fraction of a sample of Brazilian green propolis and its phytotoxic activity, made by Fernandes-Silva CC et al. from the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. The study runs an analysis of the chemical composition of green propolis and evaluates the phytotoxic activity of the volatile fraction of a sample of Brazilian green propolis.

The chemical composition of the volatile fraction of this Brazilian green propolis is different from the other propolis. According to the study, the “main constituents are the phenylpropanoid 3-prenylcinnamic acid allyl ester (26.3%) and the sesquiterpene spathulenol (23.4%). Several other sesquiterpenes and phenylpropanoids, in addition to linalool and α-terpineol (monoterpenes), were also detected.”

What are the health benefits of green propolis?

In recent years, lots of studies have been done to support the medical use of propolis not only in the ORL area but also internally for a lot of conditions.

B. Dracunculifolia in Green Propolis heals ulcers

The study Baccharis dracunculifolia, the main botanical source of Brazilian green propolis, displays antiulcer activity., by Lemos M et at., published in April 2007, investigated the possibility of using B. Dracunculifolia extract for antiulcer treatment.

This study was undertaken to evaluate the anti-ulcerogenic property of a hydroalcoholic extract of B. Dracunculifolia aerial parts. The analysis showed the presence of cinnamic acid derivates and flavonoids.

The doctors used doses of 50, 250 and 500 mg/kg of B. Dracunculifolia crude extract and positive controls: omeprazole or cimetidine. At the end of the treatment, the percentage of ulcer inhibition was significantly higher in groups treated with B. Dracunculifolia, cimetidine or omeprazole, with all protocols used, compared with negative control groups.

These results were similar to those from studies carried out with green propolis extract. Although more investigations are required, the results of this study suggest that B. dracunculifolia has the potential to be used as a phytotherapeutic preparation for the treatment of gastric ulcers.

Green Propolis has antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects

Baccharis dracunculifolia, the main source of green propolis, exhibits potent antioxidant activity and prevents oxidative mitochondrial damage, by Natalia S.S. Guimarães et at., published in November 2011, shows that B. Dracunculifolia in the Brazilian propolis, contributes to the antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects exhibited by propolis. The study investigated the protective effects of the glycolic extract of B. dracunculifolia (GEBd) against oxidative stress in isolated rat liver mitochondria (RLM). The study shows that B. Dracunculifolia exhibits potent antioxidant activity, protecting liver mitochondria against oxidative damage, and such action probably contributes to the antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of green propolis.

Green Propolis may treat AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) and skin damage induced by UV irradiation.

The Effects of Brazilian Green Propolis against Excessive Light-Induced Cell Damage in Retina and Fibroblast Cells, by Murase H et al., published in December 2013.
The study investigated the effects of Brazilian green propolis and its constituents against white light (UVA) -induced cell damage in mouse retinal cone-cell line 661W or human skin-derived fibroblast cells (NB1-RGB).

Results. Treatment with propolis and two dicaffeoylquinic acids significantly inhibited the decrease in cell viability induced by white light in 661W. Propolis and its constituents inhibited the decrease in cell viability induced by UVA in NB1-RGB. Moreover, propolis suppressed intracellular ROS production by UVA irradiation. Propolis also inhibited the levels of phosphorylated-p38 and ERK by UVA irradiation.

The study concluded that Brazilian green propolis may become a major therapeutic candidate for the treatment of AMD and skin damage induced by UV irradiation.

Green Propolis has antitumor effects

The study Histone deacetylase inhibitory effect of Brazilian propolis and its association with the antitumor effect in Neuro2a cells, by Ishiai S et al., published in June 2014, examined whether Brazilian green propolis has Hdac (histone deacetylase) inhibitory activity and its contribution to antitumor effects. The results show that Brazilian propolis bears regulatory functions on histone acetylation via Hdac inhibition, and the effect contributes to antitumor functions. An intake of Brazilian propolis also shows preventing effects against cancer.

Green Propolis improves liver metabolism and maintains the integrity of liver tissue in diabetes mellitus.

The study Involvement of liver in diabetes mellitus: herbal remedies. showed propolis’ good benefits in treating complications involved in diabetic liver disease, along with several other herbs with antioxidant properties: Liquorice, Pelargonium gravenolens, Momordica charantia,  Dihar, Curcuma Longa, Tinospora cordifolia, Kangen-karyu, Parsley, Chard, Green tea Catechins and Piper sarmentosum. The herbs or the compounds present in herbs have the potential to improve liver metabolism and maintain the integrity of liver tissue in DM.

Brazilian Green Propolis available on Amazon

Brazilian Green Propolis capsules – available on Amazon.
Picture source: Amazon

Green propolis boosts immunity

Brazilian green propolis improves immune function in aged mice, by Gao W et al., published on July 2014, showed that some components in propolis could stimulate immune function in young animals or cultured immune cells in vitro. The results of the study indicate that administration of Brazilian green propolis has a positive effect on innate and adaptive immunity in aged mice.

Related articles:
What is Propolis

How to take propolis

Propolis can prevent and treat LEUKEMIA and CANCER

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References and picture sources:


Bee Product Science, www.bee-hexagon.net February 2014

“Alecrimdocampo” by flaksbaum – flaksbaum. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons – http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alecrimdocampo.jpg#/media/File:Alecrimdocampo.jpg

‘Bees in green propolis’ picture source: http://www.meliponarioreidamandacaia.com/2011/05/minas-gerais-recebe-denominacao-de.html

‘Green propolis’ picture source: http://www.ttnet.net/ttnet/gotoprd/FO500/999/0/941303238313136373.htm

Laura Bujor

Laura Bujor is the author and founder of HealthyWithHoney.com. She built this website as a personal journey to discover the power of honey and share it with the world. She learned directly from beekeepers and took a course in apitherapy. In 2024 she became UMF™ Mānuka Honey Specialist, determined to teach the world the benefits of a good reliable medical grade honey. Her hobby turned into a professional career. You can find her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest and X.

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14 thoughts on “Brazilian Green Propolis health benefits

    1. Hello Elizabeth,
      As I’m not from Brazil, I buy them from online shops. Amazon sells good products, you can find them as tincture or capsules. I believe both forms are good, and that is why I usually switch them from time to time. Now I take capsules, and after that, I take the tincture. Here is one example: NaturaNectar Natural Bee Propolis Bundle.
      All the best!

  1. I recently started reading about the benefits of “Brazilian Propolis” and began souring the product. However, I quickly found out there are many many products, some of which I’m sure are far less if effective at all. How can we find the original Brazilian Propolis products?

    1. Hi Bill,
      That’s the problem with all good products, lots of scams trying to take advantage… We need to dig deep, do a lot of research before buying from anywhere. I’m not from Brasilia, I cannot make any recommendations. However, propolis, green or brown, it’s still an absolutely amazing product!
      All the best!

  2. we are interesting to buy liquid green propolis for our local market .
    we are manufacturer of herb n health supplement products in malaysia.
    our company name is Excel Herbal Ind

  3. Hi! I stumbled upon your website, and I am immensely amazed and delighted to discover your website. This is the best honey website I have ever seen. I feel your passion and love for bees, honey, and bee products.

    Question: Do you have any brand or shops you recommend for purchasing some of the honey you talk about? (If it is already on your website and I missed it, I apologize). Thank you!

    1. Hi Kanoa,
      Thank you for your words, they mean a lot to me.
      At every post I try to mention online shops where one can find that specific honey. You can also find Amazons links. I do not sell honey but I always recommend first trying to find raw honey at your locals. If you cannot find any, then green/herbal shops are a good source. Make sure you read the label well (there are tons and tons of frauds. unfortunately.)
      And yes, it’s a good idea to eat healthy, natural products to get a strong body, able to fight all present and future viruses & other microbes.
      All the best!

  4. Hi Laura, I’m confused with the different propolis types as to which ones would benefit someone with liver cancer. Where would I get them? Amazon.com? Thanks! Donna

    1. Hi Donna,
      Have you read Propolis can prevent and treat LEUKEMIA and CANCER and Propolis protects liver, has anti-radiation effect, boosts immunity and has anti-inflamatory activity. – they may clarify some things for you. Any health shop that sells raw honey usually sells propolis tincture as well.
      From my experience the tincture is more efficient that the tablets. And if is convenient for you, yes, Amazon sells good quality propolis. As it is this Brasilian green propolis I talk in this article.
      All the best!

  5. I was really suprised by the great benefits of brazilian propolis, but it is really hard to get, does any other type of propolis has the same benefits?

    1. The most common type of propolis is the brown one. It is made from the resin of different trees found in different geographic areas. In Europe it is made more of poplar, willow, elm, reed and other plants. But in Iran, besides poplar there is also a lot of Ferula species. In Cuba, generally in tropical countries, brown propolis is made mostly from the Autograph Tree, Clusia Rosea, (and this propolis showed a strong in vitro anti-cancer action.) and so on.

      Red propolis is made from Baccharis dracunculifolia, which is a medical plant found in Brazil. Starting from here, this type of propolis brings a lot of health benefits for humans, even more than the source plant alone.

      But all propolis, no matter the botanical source, have amazing benefits for our health. This study proved that though they have different composition and different metabolite profiles and they exert their biological functions through different mechanisms of action, both shown powerful anti-imflammatory and antioxidant properties.

      There are lots and lots of studies, mostly done on brown propolis, showing its medicinal properties.
      My family and I use only brown propolis for colds and sore throats. 🙂
      All the best!

  6. Hi!

    Just wondering if in your extensive reading, you maybe came across some beneficial effect of propolis/bee products for autoimmune diseases like Lupus. Am not asking for medical advice, but have not been really able to find some clear answer if beeproducts are good for Lupus.

    Keep up the good work! You have a great site!


    1. Hi Alazne,
      From my readings, honey is good for allergic and immunologic disorders such as: Allergic Rhinitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematous(SLE), Ankylosing spondylitis, Multiple Sclerosis. Also there have been some clinical trials in Malaysia that showed a very good effect of gelam honey on lupus. Yet, if you are not from Malaysia, gelam honey is really hard to find. But I think any honey is good.

      As for propolis, it boosts the body’s immune system, so I don’t know if this is a good thing for an autoimmune disease. But maybe it does more that boosting the immune system, maybe it goes deeper to the root of the autoimmune response.
      I remember reading about a product made of propolis and royal jelly, cannot say for sure.

      Anyway, I will read more about bee products and autoimmune conditions and I will write about it. Also, I promise to send you a link. 😉

      Thanks for the good words. Have a wonderful 2017!

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