The series “The best natural remedies for colds” has 4 parts.
In all of them I have tried to gather the most reliable natural remedies I could find, from my elders, my national elders, to the latest research I could find in books and web. I have tried some of them, and I always specify this, together with my impressions and results. I have also researched for some supplements and devices meant to help us in our home treatment, and I attached the links from the respective shops.
The remedies described here don’t cover them all, don’t come even close. Each country has its own traditional remedies according to specific climatic environment, including weather, fauna, eating habits and genetic inheritance. As an example, in India there is Ayurveda which is a very trustful medical science, but which uses specific herbs, which are almost impossible to find in Europe or any other country.
I have tried to gather here the most easy-to-get natural remedies, most of them already found in every kitchen. It’s also about tips and tricks we can afford easily, about a different perspective in treating our physical body, and not only.
Here are the 4 parts and what can we find in them:
The best natural remedies for colds – Part 1
1. Eat chicken soup or Roots soup
2. Drink tea
3. Use essential oils.
4. Eat honey. And combinations.
5. Drink. Tea, roots soup, fruit juice and water.
6. Keep it warm.
7. Add another pillow or raise the bed from head side.
8. Blow the nose correctly and do nasal irrigation
The best natural remedies for colds – Part 2
9. Take garlic supplements
10. Gargle
11. Drink whiskey and hot toddies – adults only
12. Take probiotics
13. Take vitamin D or stay in the sun!
14. Get a good massage
15. Take colloidal silver
The best natural remedies for colds – Part 3
16. Make some magic potions for your sore throat and tonsils.
17. Acupressure
18. Take supplements. Myth or truth?
19. Homeopathic remedies
The best natural remedies for colds – Part 4
20. Change your diet.
21. Rest. Sleep. Laugh.
22. Meditate. Clear emotional baggage and heal yourself energetically.
Other related posts
Cold remedies with honey
Black radish – the black magic!
Garlic, friend or foe?
Honey and coffee for persistent post infectious cough
Does honey help cough?
Lemon garlic honey for colds and immunity
If you use other natural remedy and are satisfied with the results, please leave a comment here. We all need more than what the contemporary medicine offers us today, on big money.